At Lauth, we’re dedicated to the continued spread of intelligence information in order to provide users with quality news and information in the real of private intelligence gathering. Check out some our latest blog posts below:Â
Essential Strategies for Improving Corporate Culture in 2021
As someone at the helm of a corporation or organization, you likely have a clear vision of what a smooth team work-flow looks like. You know that when executives and employees fall into a synergistic rhythm of getting things done, mountains can be moved. However, when...
How to Identify Toxic Employee Cliques in Your Business
Is it possible that the productivity and morale of your team suffering at the hands of toxic employee cliques? An uncomfortable workplace atmosphere or a downturn in performance might not lead you to think first of toxic employees. You might question the competency of...
There is a Cancer in Your Business—Hire a Private Investigator to Find It
As never before, today's consumers expect the brands they buy into to lead by example when it comes to equality and social justice. Any organization that allows workplace discrimination to run rampant is not only going to face the potential of legal repercussions, but...
Using an Undercover Investigator Within a Corporate Setting
Does your company need an undercover corporate investigator? From time to time, corporate entities within Indianapolis and right across Indiana will inevitably face the need for some sort of internal investigation. For small business owners right through to those at...
Why You Should Hire a Private Investigator to Help Navigate Potential Workplace Discrimination
From our base in the heart of central Indiana, members of the Lauth Investigations team periodically find ourselves heading out to support a diversity of corporate entities as they navigate a workplace discrimination investigation. For any business owner – be their...
Turning the Value of Private Investigator Services Towards Your Business
For many, the thought of professional investigators tends to bring two mental images to mind. We either picture the intrepid private investigator on the trail of a missing person or cheating spouse; or – at the other end of the spectrum – we imagine substantial...
Indianapolis Private Investigator Firm Helps Businesses Take The Lead On Workplace Harassment
From HQ in Indianapolis, Indiana, Lauth Investigations provides a steadily growing umbrella of private investigator services; ranging from missing persons to custody issues for private clients, through to workplace investigations small and large within the business...
Beware Mysterious Mandy, the New Wrong- Number Phisher
Over the last few weeks, more Americans are being hit with mysterious wrong-number scam text messages from a strange blonde woman, since dubbed the Wrong-Number Phisher by some media outlets. She goes by several names—sometimes Amanda, or just Mandy—and slides into...
Find the Thief in Your Business with a Private Investigator
A private investigator can identify employee fraud and thief in your workforce, eliminating future threats while maintaining objectivity. Despite the ability of a business to flourish in any economy, every company is still vulnerable to the possibility of employee...
Due Diligence in Corporate Mergers
Corporate mergers are inherently a tricky business. Not unlike a marriage, it’s the assimilation of two different corporate bodies to form a stronger entity. However, with that marriage comes the tricky business of evaluating the assets, how well two business models...
Fox News Ordered to Pay $1 Million in Penalties Following Workplace Culture Investigation
The media and financial worlds saw the grueling impact of poor workplace culture this week as media giant Fox News has finally agreed to pay $1 million in penalties after a workplace culture investigation concluded following allegations of sexual misconduct within the...
A Corporate Culture Audit Can Be the Difference Between Success and Failure in Your Business
When it comes to your business, you don’t know what you don’t know. Successful corporations are more than their bottom line, and corporations must be conscious of all their internal operations to ensure they’re getting their maximum output or profit. Leadership must...
FMLA Abuse Investigations: Hiring the Right Investigator
The Family and Medical Leave Act is supposed to give employees the ability to attend to personal or family matters like recovering from surgery or caring for an infirm family member without the fear of losing their job. However, the same legislation meant to protect...
How to Avoid Romance Scams in 2022
During the 2020 pandemic, people throughout the globe were struggling with detachment from their family, friends, and coworkers. In search of a connection with another human being, it should be no surprise that more than a few people would fall victim to online...
How Do Your Employees Really Feel About You? Answer This Burning Question with a Corporate Culture Audit
How do your employees actually feel about you? Answer this burning question with a corporate culture audit. It’s a question many business owners and employers may ask themselves often. There’s no shortage of dark humor regarding the 9 to 5 grind and the bosses who are...
ESSENCE Special Report: How D.C.'s Disappearing Girls Highlight The Nation's Black and Missing Problem
What We Know About the Missing Teen Whose Parents Were Shot to Death
San Diego Tribune
Private eyes look for runaways, sex-trade victims to rescue
Police reveal number of missing people who are believed to have been murdered
Activists call for dedicated missing persons unit; cities that have them caution against high hopes
Cape Cod Times
Most missing adult cases unsolved
Pheonix New Times
The National Center for Missing Adults’ Funding Was Slashed by the Feds, but Volunteers Are Keeping It Alive
Los Angeles Daily News
LAPD, family both trying to find man missing 4 1/2 years
Ann Arbor News
Is Olisa Williams still alive?