Genealogical Investigations

We care about what matters to you

Unlike forensic genealogical investigations, which typically involve the use of DNA, our genealogical investigation services focus primarily on proving familial relationships and heirship through documentation in matters of estate, probate, or other financial circumstances. With our genealogical investigation services, Lauth has been able to serve corporations, attorneys, and private citizens throughout the United States and abroad in getting crucial documentation for our clients so they can prove heirship and get the assets that rightfully belong to them.  

Our Genealogical Investigation services:  

  • Heir search services nationwide
  • Genealogy research
  • Verification or completion of third-party genealogical research.
  • Vital record searches and documentation of heirship
  • Expert witness testimony
  • Family tree with detailed report

With Lauth’s team of discerning investigative professionals, our genealogical investigation services are top-tier. Lauth has been bringing verified, comprehensive intelligence to its clients for over 30 years. Through a diligent chain of operations, our team confirms certification of ownership and assists them in getting the clarification required to move forward. 

In addition to proving heirship, our genealogical investigation services are also instrumental in heir location. The same tools and methodology that allow us to locate Subjects or witnesses in investigations also allow us to search the United States and beyond for missing heirs to estates. Once an heir has been located, we certify ownership for themselves, their families, or even for corporations and lawyers as well.    



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