Human Resources

Private investigators are the #1 multi-tool for
attorneys and their complex caseload

Private investigators can play a crucial role in assisting companies with Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) investigations, particularly in cases involving harassment and discrimination, employee theft, non-compete violations, and worker’s compensation fraud. These professionals bring a unique set of skills and resources that can help organizations gather evidence, uncover the truth, and protect their interests.

Private investigators can assist companies with Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) investigations, particularly in cases involving harassment and discrimination, employee theft, non-compete violations, and worker’s compensation fraud. These professionals bring unique skills and resources that can help organizations gather evidence, uncover the truth, and protect their interests.

Private investigators have special training to handle many different types of investigations. They know how to find the facts and present them. For example, in harassment and discrimination cases, they can talk to employees and witnesses to collect their stories. They know how to ask the right questions and listen carefully. This helps them understand what happened and determine if someone is being treated unfairly at work. Their work can help companies make the right decisions and take steps to stop any bad behaviour.

human resources

In cases of employee theft, private investigators are like detectives. They can watch suspects without noticing and gather proof that someone is stealing from the company. They might use cameras or follow suspects to catch them in the act. This is important because stealing can cost companies a lot of money. Private investigators help protect the company’s property and money by finding the thieves.

Non-compete violations are another area where private investigators help. Sometimes, employees leave a company and start working for a competitor, which can be against their agreed-upon rules. Investigators can check if these employees are breaking their agreement. They look into the new job the employee has taken and see if they are using any secrets from their old job. This helps companies keep their business information safe.

Worker’s compensation fraud happens when employees pretend to be injured to get money from the company. Private investigators can watch these employees to see if they are hurt or just faking it. They also check medical records and talk to people who know the employee. This helps companies discover the truth and save money by not paying false claims.

Overall, private investigators are a valuable resource for companies. They help find the truth in complex situations, protect company assets, and ensure fair treatment of employees. Their work supports companies in making informed decisions and taking necessary actions to maintain a safe and honest workplace.

Attorney Support with Lauth Investigations

Harassment & Discrimination

When it comes to harassment and discrimination cases, private investigators can conduct thorough investigations to gather evidence and statements from employees, witnesses, and other relevant parties. They have experience in interviewing individuals sensitively and objectively, ensuring that all perspectives are considered. Through their expertise, they can help uncover any patterns of misconduct, document incidents, and establish a comprehensive timeline of events. Such investigations are critical in determining the credibility of allegations, identifying potential culprits, and supporting the organization in taking appropriate remedial actions.

Comprehensive Interview Techniques

At Lauth, we understand that a successful investigation hinges on thorough interviews. Our investigators are trained to build rapport with witnesses, creating a comfortable environment that encourages honest and open communication. By carefully listening and asking the right questions, we gather vital information that can uncover patterns of harassment or discrimination. This detailed approach ensures no stone is left unturned in our quest for the truth.

Harassment and Discrimination Investigations

Digital Forensics

In today’s digital age, much of the evidence can be found online or on electronic devices. Lauth’s digital forensics team is skilled at uncovering electronic evidence, including emails, text messages, social media interactions, and other digital communications. This can be crucial in proving cases of harassment and discrimination where digital footprints are left behind. By meticulously analyzing digital data, we can piece together the events and interactions that constitute harassment or discrimination.

Psychological Evaluation

Understanding the psychological aspects of harassment and discrimination is essential. Our team includes professionals who can assess the psychological impact on victims. This evaluation helps to document the emotional and mental harm caused by such incidents, providing a comprehensive view of the victim’s experience. This information can be critical in legal proceedings, ensuring that the full extent of the harm is recognized and addressed.

Policy Review and Recommendations

In addition to investigating specific incidents, Lauth reviews company policies and procedures related to harassment and discrimination. We identify gaps and weaknesses in current policies that may allow such behaviour to persist. Our experts provide actionable recommendations to strengthen these policies, creating a safer and more respectful workplace environment. By proactively addressing these issues, companies can prevent future incidents and foster a culture of inclusion and respect.

Training and Education Programs

Preventing harassment and discrimination starts with education. Lauth offers customized training programs for employees and management. These programs focus on recognizing, preventing, and responding to harassment and discrimination. By educating the workforce, we empower employees to take action against inappropriate behaviour and create a supportive environment where everyone feels safe and valued.

Support for Victims

Victims of harassment and discrimination often need support beyond the investigation. Lauth provides resources and referrals to counselling services, legal assistance, and support groups. Our goal is to help victims heal and regain their confidence. We believe supporting victims is critical to addressing harassment and discrimination comprehensively.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Lauth Investigations International has a track record of successfully resolving harassment and discrimination cases. One notable case involved a large corporation where multiple employees reported harassment by a senior executive. Our investigation revealed a pattern of abuse, and our evidence led to the executive’s termination and significant policy changes within the company. This case is just one example of how our thorough and objective approach makes a real difference.

Ensuring Long-term Solutions

Ensuring Long-term Solutions<br />

Long-term solutions to harassment and discrimination require a sustained effort. Lauth works with clients to develop ongoing strategies to maintain a safe and respectful environment. This includes regular policy reviews, continued training programs, and periodic audits to ensure compliance and effectiveness. By committing to these long-term solutions, organizations can foster a culture where harassment and discrimination are not tolerated. 

The Importance of Timely Intervention

Delaying action on harassment and discrimination complaints can have severe consequences. Not only does it harm the victims, but it can also damage the organization’s reputation and lead to legal liabilities. Lauth emphasizes the importance of timely intervention. Our rapid response teams are equipped to handle urgent cases, providing swift and effective solutions to protect victims and mitigate risks for the organization.

Collaboration with Legal Teams

Lauth Investigations International collaborates closely with legal teams to ensure all evidence collected is admissible in court. Our investigators are trained in legal procedures and understand the nuances of presenting evidence in legal contexts. This collaboration ensures our clients have the best possible support during legal proceedings, increasing the likelihood of a favourable outcome. 

Building a Culture of Trust and Respect

Ultimately, our investigations aim to help build a culture of trust and respect within organizations. By addressing harassment and discrimination head-on, companies can demonstrate their commitment to their employees’ well-being. This fosters a positive work environment where employees feel valued and respected, increasing morale and productivity.

Contact Us Today

Don’t wait for the situation to escalate. If you suspect harassment or discrimination in your workplace or personal life, take action now. Contact Lauth Investigations International today for a free consultation. Our experts help you find the truth and protect your rights. Call us at (317) 951-1100 and let us help you create a safer, more respectful environment.

By choosing Lauth, you are taking a stand against harassment and discrimination, ensuring a safer and more respectful environment for all.

Worker’s Compensation Fraud

Worker’s compensation fraud is a growing concern for businesses, and private investigators can aid in identifying fraudulent claims. These professionals can conduct surveillance to observe claimants’ activities, ensuring their reported injuries align with their actual capabilities. Investigators can also analyze medical records, interview witnesses, and gather evidence to determine if a claimant is intentionally misrepresenting their condition or engaging in activities that contradict their reported injuries. By unearthing fraudulent claims, private investigators help companies reduce financial losses and maintain the integrity of their worker’s compensation programs.

Concerns about fraudulent FMLA

Professional Experience

At Lauth Investigations International, our workers’ comp investigation team comprises former military and law enforcement professionals with diverse experience in intelligence-gathering. We use verified databases and proven methodology to provide our clients with crisp, crucial context in workers’ compensation investigations. 

Through this verified intelligence, private investigators can identify sites for surveillance, where they can document an employee’s movements and verify if they are behaving according to their worker’s compensation claim. Because private investigators only have loyalty to the truth, the evidence they gather warrants a higher degree of scrutiny in any subsequent litigation. We provide detailed reports and expert recommendations as part of our worker’s compensation fraud investigations.

Worker’s Compensation Investigations

Corporate Culture

If your corporation is experiencing persistent problems with workers’ compensation fraud, there might be a larger issue in your corporate culture. Corporate culture is how policies, leadership, and workplace dynamics interact to create a work-life balance. By improving your corporate culture, you can reduce instances of workers’ compensation fraud and keep compensation insurance premiums low. 

Our corporate culture audit program can be customized to your corporation’s needs and identify the contributing factors to a declining corporate culture. We can evaluate the entire corporation or just a single department and provide detailed recommendations on improving your business from within. Contact Lauth Investigations today for a free quote on our corporate culture audit and learn about how it can identify the problems that drag down profits and morale.

Risk Management

Effective risk management is crucial for preventing workers’ compensation fraud. At Lauth Investigations, we help businesses identify and mitigate risks that could lead to fraudulent claims. This includes evaluating safety protocols, conducting regular audits, and training employees on best practices. By proactively managing risks, employers can create a safer work environment and reduce the likelihood of false claims.

Training and Education

Educating employees and management about workers’ compensation and the consequences of fraud is essential. Lauth Investigations offers training programs to inform staff about the importance of honesty and the legal repercussions of fraud. Our training sessions also cover properly documenting injuries and reporting suspicious activities. By fostering a culture of transparency and accountability, businesses can deter fraudulent behaviour.

Advanced Technology

Lauth Investigations utilizes cutting-edge technology to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of our investigations. This includes using drones for aerial surveillance, GPS tracking, and advanced software for data analysis. Our state-of-the-art tools allow us to gather comprehensive evidence quickly and discreetly, ensuring our clients receive the most reliable information possible.

Collaboration with Legal Teams

Our investigators work closely with legal teams to ensure all evidence collected during a workers’ compensation investigation is admissible in court. We understand the legal standards required for evidence and ensure our methods comply with these requirements. This collaboration helps build a strong case for our clients, whether it leads to a settlement or goes to trial.

Case Studies

Over the years, Lauth Investigations has successfully handled numerous workers’ compensation fraud cases. For example, in one case, we uncovered evidence that an employee claiming a debilitating back injury participated in competitive sports. In another case, surveillance revealed that an employee on disability leave was working a second job. These investigations saved our clients substantial amounts in fraudulent claims and helped maintain the integrity of their workers’ compensation programs.

Benefits of Early Detection

Benefits of Early Detection<br />

Early detection of fraudulent activities can save businesses significant costs and prevent further abuse of the workers’ compensation system. By identifying suspicious claims early, employers can take appropriate action before the fraud impacts their insurance premiums and overall profitability. Lauth Investigations offers monitoring services to help businesses stay vigilant and respond quickly to potential fraud.

Ethical Considerations

At Lauth Investigations, we adhere to strict ethical standards in all our investigations. We respect the privacy of all parties involved and ensure that our methods are legal and ethical. Our commitment to integrity and fairness builds trust with our clients and ensures that all stakeholders respect our findings.

Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuous improvement in our investigative techniques and methodologies. Our team regularly participates in training and professional development to stay updated on the latest trends and technologies in workers’ compensation investigations. This commitment to excellence ensures that we provide our clients with the most effective and efficient services possible.

Contact Us Today

Contact Lauth Investigations today for a free quote and learn how we can help protect your business from workers’ compensation fraud. Our experienced professionals are ready to provide you with the crucial intelligence you need to make informed decisions. Call us now at (317) 951-1100.

Non-compete violations solved with Lauth Investigations

Non-compete Violations

Non-compete violations occur when employees breach agreements by working for competing companies or sharing proprietary information. Private investigators can help companies establish evidence of such violations by conducting comprehensive research, including background checks on employees, their affiliations, and their activities. They can also use surveillance to track the activities of suspected individuals and gather concrete proof of their engagement in prohibited activities. With the evidence provided by private investigators, companies can take legal action, protect their intellectual property, and enforce non-compete agreements.

Keep your business in your business

Why Non-Compete Agreements Matter

Non-compete agreements are essential tools for businesses. They protect your trade secrets, client lists, and other proprietary information from being used by former employees in a way that could harm your company. When a former employee breaches a non-compete agreement, it can result in significant financial losses, damage to your reputation, and erosion of your competitive edge.

Non Compete Violations

The Role of Private Investigators in Non-Compete Violations

Private investigators play a crucial role in identifying and documenting non-compete violations. At Lauth Investigations International, our experienced investigators employ various methods to protect your business interests. Here’s how we help:


Our advanced surveillance techniques are pivotal in monitoring the activities of former employees suspected of violating their non-compete agreements. We discreetly gather evidence to show whether they are working for a competitor or starting a similar business. This evidence can be critical in court to prove the agreement’s violation.

Background Checks

In cases of non-compete violations, a comprehensive background check can reveal vital information about the former employee’s activities. By accessing verified databases, we can uncover any new business ventures or employment opportunities that may infringe upon your non-compete agreement.

Undercover Operations

Sometimes, uncovering a non-compete violation requires going undercover. Our skilled investigators can infiltrate organizations to observe and document any illicit activities. This covert approach ensures we gather the necessary evidence without alerting the violator.

Evidence Gathering

Effective evidence-gathering is the cornerstone of any successful investigation. Our team is adept at collecting and preserving evidence that stands up in court. This includes everything from digital communications to physical documentation that proves a breach of the non-compete agreement.


Finding a former employee who has gone off the radar can be challenging. Our skip-trace services utilize the latest technology and databases to locate individuals quickly and efficiently. This ensures that no one can disappear to avoid accountability.

Understanding the Legal Implications

Legal action is often necessary when a non-compete agreement is violated. Our private investigators work closely with legal teams to provide robust support in court. Here’s why this collaboration is essential:

Independent Testimony

Private investigators can offer unbiased testimony in court. Our objectivity ensures that the evidence we present is viewed as credible and reliable. This impartial stance is crucial in legal disputes where the integrity of the evidence can make or break a case.


A thorough fact-finding mission can uncover hidden details that others may miss. Our investigators delve deep into the specifics of the non-compete agreement and the former employee’s actions to build a strong case. This meticulous approach often uncovers the key facts needed to prove a violation.

Case Studies and Real-Life Examples

At Lauth Investigations International, we have successfully resolved numerous cases of non-compete violations. One such case involved a former sales executive who took client lists to a competitor. Our investigation revealed covert communications and transactions, leading to a successful legal outcome for our client.

Another case involved a former employee starting a similar business and poaching clients. Our undercover operations and evidence gathering provided irrefutable proof, resulting in a favourable court ruling and significant financial restitution for our client.

Keep your business in your business

Preventative Measures Strengthening Non Compete Agreements

Prevention is better than cure. Here are some steps businesses can take to strengthen their non-compete agreements and reduce the risk of violations:

Clear and Specific Terms

Ensure that your non-compete agreements are clear, specific, and legally enforceable. Ambiguous terms can lead to loopholes that former employees may exploit.

Regular Updates

Regularly update your non-compete agreements to reflect current business practices and legal standards. This keeps the agreements relevant and robust against potential violations.

Employee Education

Educate your employees about the importance of non-compete agreements. Ensure they understand the legal implications and the serious consequences of violating these terms.

The Value of Regular Audits

Conducting regular audits can help identify potential risks before they escalate. Here’s how:

Risk Assessment

Regular risk assessments can highlight vulnerabilities in your current non-compete agreements and overall business practices. By addressing these risks proactively, you can prevent potential violations.

Monitoring Compliance

Monitor compliance with non-compete agreements regularly. This can involve periodic check-ins with former employees or ongoing surveillance of their professional activities.

Contact Us Today

Non-compete violations can have devastating effects on your business. Don’t wait for the damage to be done. If you suspect a violation or want to safeguard your business against future risks, contact Lauth Investigations International.

CALL US: (317) 951-1100

Our expert team is ready to assist you with thorough, objective, and discreet investigations. Let us help you protect your business interests and secure your trade secrets.

Employee Theft

Employee theft is a significant concern for many companies, and private investigators can assist in uncovering such fraudulent activities. They employ various techniques such as surveillance, undercover operations, and forensic analysis to identify dishonest employees engaging in theft or embezzlement. By discreetly monitoring suspects, collecting evidence, and documenting their activities, private investigators provide companies with concrete proof of wrongdoing, enabling them to take disciplinary actions, recover stolen assets, and implement measures to prevent future incidents.

Manufacturing Industrial Theft Investigation | Indiana Private Investigators

Advanced Technology in Investigations

Lauth Investigations International uses the latest technology to investigate employee theft. This includes:

Digital Forensics

Digital forensics involves examining computers, mobile devices, and other digital media to uncover evidence of theft. This can include emails, financial records, and other digital footprints that indicate suspicious activity. By analyzing this data, investigators can trace the actions of dishonest employees and gather concrete evidence.

Employee Theft<br />
Implementing Solutions<br />

Strengthening internal controls after resolving theft cases is crucial to prevent future incidents. Lauth’s investigators recommend improving security measures, such as enhancing surveillance systems, tightening access controls, and regularly auditing financial records.

Continuous monitoring is essential to maintaining a theft-free environment. Lauth offers ongoing surveillance and auditing services to ensure that any suspicious activity is detected early. This proactive approach helps businesses stay vigilant and respond quickly to potential threats.


Call to Action

Don’t let employee theft undermine your business. If you suspect theft or want to safeguard your company against potential risks, contact Lauth Investigations International.

CALL US: (317) 951-1100

Our expert team is ready to assist with thorough, objective, and discreet investigations. Protect your business and ensure its continued success with Lauth Investigations International.

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