At Lauth, we’re dedicated to the continued spread of intelligence information in order to provide users with quality news and information in the real of private intelligence gathering. Check out some our latest blog posts below:Â
Indianapolis Private Investigators focused on the safety of children
How can an Indianapolis private investigator help keep my child safe during divorce or child custody dispute? All too common in today’s headlines are stories involving children who have been abused. While we worry about our children’s safety around strangers, we...
The Diversity of a Private Investigator’s Work: Stories From Around the Web
Private investigators do a variety of work. They track down missing people and recover lost assets. They keep an eye on spouses when one partner is worried about infidelity or in the process of divorce. Private investigators look into business assets during a merger...
How to Protect Against Burglars
This was a big week for news in America. It seemed like a new story broke before you could finish reading about the first one. All of the major networks and newspapers were scrambling to report on everything taking place, but one story in the private investigation...
How Social Media Can Get People Fired
Jack E. Sandline, an Indiana Senator and owner of private investigation firm Jack Sandline and Associates, shared a post on Facebook mocking the women who participated in the  post inauguration Women’s March as being fat and unmotivated. Sandlin shared a picture of...
When Hiring a CEO Goes Wrong
When Hiring a CEO Goes Wrong Hiring a CEO is a long and arduous process. Companies can’t afford to waste time and money on the wrong candidates. It’s bad enough when someone gets a CEO position and isn’t good at their job. It’s even worse when they have to resign in...
How Human Resources Can Better Screen Employees and Prevent Future Theft
Human Resources has a tough job when it comes to screening future employees. They’re betting on someone whom they’ve only met in person maybe three times. Not every candidate can be a winner, but that doesn’t mean you should accept the losers.
How to Document Child Custody Agreement Violations and Potential Abuse
What good is a child custody agreement if you’re unable to have it properly enforced? Everyone expects or at least hopes the agreement will be respected by both parties, but that isn’t always the case.
How to Stop Family Medical Leave Act Abuse
The Family Medical Leave Act protects employees positions from termination in the event they have to take time off to care for a sick family member. According to FMLASource as much as 10.7% of the U.S. workforce is on FMLA leave at any given time. While countless employees have benefited from FMLA, others have taken advantage of the program for their own gain. FMLA fraud costs business million. Here’s how you can stop it.
Preventing Malingering in the Workplace
What is malingering? Malingering is defined by Merriam-Webster as, “to pretend to be sick or injured in order to avoid doing work.” The most famous malingerer might be Ferris Bueller, but while he only cost his friend’s dad money buying a new car, malingering Americans cost billions of dollars a year. According to a study available in the US National Library of Medicine, malingering adult mental disorder claimants costs were $20 billion in 2011. Below are some ways you can nip malingering in the bud.
How to Detect Drug Trafficking in the Workplace
Is an employee selling drugs from their job? What are signs of drug trafficking in the workplace? What can human resources do to stop drug dealing at work? These are questions every business owner and human resources department should be asking themselves before contacting a private investigator.
5 Reasons Human Resources Departments need Quality Background Check Systems
Hiring the right employees can save businesses time and money. You can’t afford to waste resources on the wrong people. Here are 5 reasons every Human Resources department needs quality background check before hiring an employee.
How Skip Tracers Help Close Cases Fast
Skip tracing is a difficult, but valuable tool for any private investigator. Skip tracing is the practice of tracking down someone who has skipped town. Typically used to find people that are trying to avoid paying a debt or have skipped out on bail, a skilled skip tracer can run down sources to find just about anyone.
Tips for Stopping Theft in the Workplace
Theft in the workplace is a major problem. According to the Global Retail Theft Barometer employee theft costs American businesses even more than theft by non-employees. Employee theft made up 43% of all lost inventory for American businesses in 2015. That’s an annual cost of roughly $18 billion. It’s $2.3 billion more than the cost of theft by customers. Most of the theft that occurs isn’t an employee taking items and walking out of the store with them.
5 Ways Private Investigators can Help your Custody Case
Fighting for custody of your children is the most important battle you’ll ever wage. Losing the right to see your kids and spend time with them as you see fit isn’t something anyone plans for. Custody battles can be long, intimidating, and costly. You need every resource at your disposal to make sure you have the upper hand at every stop. Here are five ways private investigators can help make sure you’re not alone in the fight of your child’s life.
Why Local Private Investigators are Always Better than Franchises
Hiring a private investigator has never been easier. Google “hire a private investigator” and your screen will be filled with results. Some of the results are for independent locally owned businesses like Lauth Investigations International. Others are franchises or contracting agencies that rely on minimal information to connect you with an investigator quickly.
ESSENCE Special Report: How D.C.'s Disappearing Girls Highlight The Nation's Black and Missing Problem
What We Know About the Missing Teen Whose Parents Were Shot to Death
San Diego Tribune
Private eyes look for runaways, sex-trade victims to rescue
Police reveal number of missing people who are believed to have been murdered
Activists call for dedicated missing persons unit; cities that have them caution against high hopes
Cape Cod Times
Most missing adult cases unsolved
Pheonix New Times
The National Center for Missing Adults’ Funding Was Slashed by the Feds, but Volunteers Are Keeping It Alive
Los Angeles Daily News
LAPD, family both trying to find man missing 4 1/2 years
Ann Arbor News
Is Olisa Williams still alive?