Case Study | Valerie’s First Case

Case Study | Valerie’s First Case

Case Study | Valerie’s First Case

Valerie’s First Case

Lauth Investigations is excited to share with you a series of case studies detailing the lives that our company has impacted. We’ve reached out and selected our favorite cases, this one being from the Return Assets Division. This case study is from Valarie Gennai, a vital Claims Researcher at Lauth Investigations. For privacy reasons, the names of the clients have been changed to pseudonyms

Getting her feet wet

Early in the process of starting her career here at Lauth Investigations, Valerie came across a claim for approximately $8,500 due to a man named Stephen. After finding the right contact information for him in North Carolina, Valerie called him on the phone. She revealed to him that the assets were from a Death Benefit that belonged to his father Louis, upon his passing.  Louis had passed away quite some time ago. Sometimes, these assets just get lost and forgotten about until our researchers are able to research and find them.

When asked if Lauth Investigations could assist him in getting this money recovered and back to him, Stephen replied, “Even if it were $25.00, I would want the money because I can sure use it”.  This was one of the first moments that Valerie realized the importance of what we do here at Lauth Investigations. We reunite people with what rightfully belongs to them, sometimes at a crossroads in their lives. If $25.00 could help him, think about the impact of the rest of the money, we would be able to return to him. 

While still learning the systems we use at Lauth: Return Assets, Valerie was quick to navigate the process. She learned about how to generate documents, write up the Intake Sheet, find obits, order Death Certificates, order Probate Records, and so much more. It was a real learning experience for Valerie, using many of the same processes she uses today.

A Sense of Closure

Part of the process of proving a claim is not only proving your identity and heirship but also finding that you are the sole remaining heir. In the discovery process of this case, Valerie learned that there was one more potential heir. Stephen had a brother, Alex, who unfortunately passed away very young. Since he’s technically still an heir, Valerie had to prove that while he still was, his death nullified the payout.

Valerie was involved in the process of getting a death certificate of Alex, and through the discovery process, Stephen learned things about his brother’s passing that he didn’t know before, which gave him a sense of closure. Stephen was very appreciative throughout the process and was very helpful in providing the information to get this claim processed quickly. When asked about this case, Valerie was over the moon to have been a part of it from start to finish.  

Stories like these are a big reason why Lauth Investigations: Return Assets Division does what it does. We’re able to use our unique skillsets to help people get their assets returned to them. Not only did Stephen receive his payout (which he was able to use immediately), but he was able to find out more about the events that led to his brothers’ passing when they were young. Stephen was very appreciative of his time working with Lauth, and we’re excited to continue this work. We’ve been able to return over $60 million dollars to people since our organization began and look forward to continuing to grow that number.

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California Senate bill requiring companies to implement violence prevention plans to take effect July 2024

California Senate bill requiring companies to implement violence prevention plans to take effect July 2024

Back in September, the landscape of California workplaces was impacted dramatically upon Governor Gavin Newsom signing Senate Bill 533, which requires that California employers now implement a detailed workplace violence prevention plan in compliance with their Cal/OHSA Injury Illness Prevention Plan. In addition to implementing a plan, employers must now ensure their workers have access to proper training on their plan and keep detailed records of any incidents of violence in the workplace. The law will take effect on July 1, 2024.  

The Role of Third-Party Investigators:

With the advent of these violence prevention programs, there arises a critical need for thorough evaluations of current operations and workplaces. This is where third-party investigators come into play. These professionals bring a fresh and unbiased perspective to the table, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of existing security measures, policies, and potential risks.

Supplementing Evaluations with Private Investigators:

As California employers gear up to comply with the new regulations, the demand for third-party investigators is expected to soar. Companies will seek the expertise of these investigators to conduct detailed assessments, identify vulnerabilities, and recommend tailored strategies to enhance workplace safety

While third-party investigators offer a broad assessment of workplace violence prevention programs, some California employers are taking an extra step by supplementing these evaluations with private investigators. Private investigators bring a unique skill set that extends beyond traditional workplace assessments. Their ability to conduct discreet inquiries, uncover potential internal threats, and gather information discreetly can provide an added layer of security.

The Competitive Edge:

Employers who choose to enlist the services of private investigators in addition to third-party assessments may gain a competitive edge in safeguarding their workplaces. By adopting a proactive stance and addressing potential threats comprehensively, these businesses demonstrate a commitment to the well-being of their employees and the integrity of their operations.

Considerations for Employers:

California employers looking to stay ahead in the evolving landscape of workplace safety should consider the following:

  1. Comprehensive Evaluations: Engage third-party investigators to conduct thorough evaluations of workplace violence prevention programs, focusing on identifying vulnerabilities and areas for improvement.
  2. Supplement with Private Investigators: Consider supplementing these evaluations with private investigators to delve deeper into potential internal threats and gather actionable intelligence.
  3. Proactive Security Measures: Implement recommendations from investigators promptly, adopting proactive security measures to create a robust and resilient workplace violence prevention program.
  4. Employee Awareness and Training: Prioritize employee awareness and training programs to ensure that staff members are equipped to identify and respond to potential threats effectively.

As California forges ahead with its commitment to workplace safety through mandatory violence prevention programs, a burgeoning demand for third-party investigators becomes evident. Employers who recognize the value of supplementing these evaluations with private investigators not only enhance their security measures but also position themselves as leaders in fostering safe and secure work environments. In a landscape where workplace safety is paramount, proactive measures are the key to staying ahead and ensuring the well-being of employees.

The initiative to have the workplace evaluated for violence prevention and safety is not restricted to California, however. If you have need for a workplace violence investigation, call Lauth Investigations International today for a free quote on how we can get your crucial information for success in your business. We’ve helped businesses all over the United States protect their employees against both internal and external threats to their safety. We’re staffed by former military, law enforcement personnel, and have decades of combined experience to help provide comprehensive solutions to any workplace issue.

Safeguarding the Workplace: The Imperative for Leadership to Address Rising Workplace Violence

Safeguarding the Workplace: The Imperative for Leadership to Address Rising Workplace Violence

workplace violence

In recent years, there has been a troubling and undeniable trend – workplace violence is on the rise. Incidents of aggression, harassment, and even tragic acts of violence have become more frequent, posing a significant threat to the well-being of employees across various industries. In this challenging environment, the responsibility falls squarely on leadership to go above and beyond, implementing comprehensive strategies to safeguard their employees against both internal and external risks.

Internal Threats:

Workplace violence is not solely an external concern; internal factors also contribute significantly to the rise in incidents. Disputes among colleagues, unresolved conflicts, and unaddressed mental health issues can create a volatile mix. Leaders must prioritize fostering a culture of open communication and conflict resolution, providing employees with channels to express concerns without fear of reprisal. Investing in employee assistance programs (EAPs) and mental health resources can further support individuals facing personal challenges.

External Threats:

External threats, including acts of terrorism, theft, or even domestic violence spilling into the workplace, are on the rise. Employers must collaborate with law enforcement and security experts to conduct thorough risk assessments. Implementing access control measures, surveillance systems, and emergency response plans can help mitigate potential external threats. Additionally, providing training to employees on situational awareness and response procedures is crucial for building a resilient workforce.

The Role of Leadership Against Workplace Violence:

Leadership plays a pivotal role in creating a safe and secure work environment. Executives must take a proactive approach, demonstrating a commitment to the well-being of their teams. This involves not only addressing existing concerns but also anticipating potential threats and implementing preventative measures. Transparent communication about safety measures and emergency protocols fosters trust among employees and ensures they feel supported.

Investing in Technology:

Advancements in technology offer powerful tools to enhance workplace security. Leaders should consider investing in state-of-the-art security systems, including access control systems, surveillance cameras, and communication platforms that enable quick dissemination of critical information during emergencies. Additionally, artificial intelligence and data analytics can be leveraged to identify patterns of behavior that may indicate a potential threat.

Collaboration with Human Resources:

Leadership must work closely with the Human Resources (HR) department to create and enforce policies that promote a safe and respectful workplace. HR professionals can play a crucial role in identifying early signs of potential issues, offering mediation, and providing support to employees in need. Regular training sessions on conflict resolution, diversity, and inclusion can further contribute to a positive and secure work environment.

Moving Forward Against Workplace Violence:

As workplace violence continues to rise, leaders must recognize the urgency of the situation and take decisive action. Safeguarding employees requires a multifaceted approach that addresses both internal and external threats. By fostering a culture of open communication, investing in technology, collaborating with HR, and demonstrating a commitment to the well-being of their teams, leadership can create a workplace where employees feel safe, supported, and able to perform at their best without fear of violence or harassment. In these challenging times, going above and beyond to protect employees is not just a responsibility; it is an imperative for leaders aiming to build resilient, thriving organizations.

When appropriate, an investigation into the workplace itself may be appropriate. While the instinct to keep the investigation internal is understandable, a third-party investigator really is the best option for businesses that hope to get to the root of their repetitive issues. If you have need for a workplace violence investigation, call Lauth Investigations International today for a free quote on how we can get your crucial information for success in your business.

Case Study | Dreaming of Las Vegas

Case Study | Dreaming of Las Vegas

Case Study | Dreaming of Las Vegas

Dreaming of Las Vegas

Lauth Investigations is excited to share with you a series of case studies detailing the lives that our company has impacted. We’ve reached out and selected our favorite cases, this one being from the Return Assets Division. This case study is told from the perspective of Emilia Tomaszewski, a vital Claims Researcher at Lauth Investigations. For privacy reasons, names have been changed to pseudonyms.

This Florida claim took place a number of years ago. I was able to find who I thought was the owner but could not connect the address. The potential owner was agreeable to receiving a claim agreement for an old checking account, but he had no recollection of the address either. Throughout the research, I became close to the family and my conversations were mainly with the wife, Karen. Her husband, Eric, was suffering with prostate cancer and they were so excited about this potential windfall because they wanted to go to Las Vegas while Eric was still able to. That made me more determined to find the needed address connection.

Return assets case study

Racing against the clock

Upon receipt of the claim agreement, I searched everywhere trying to find the connection. As a last-ditch effort, I began scouring old phone directories for the city and finally came across a last name that was identical to the claimant’s with just the letter “E” for a first name. That was close enough for me to contact Karen and I finally spoke to Eric myself. He was shocked beyond belief. It occurred to him that that was where his father lived when he was a young man and the “E” also stood for Eric for my claimant, I finally discovered, was actually a Junior.

With this information I was able to submit the claim to the state and it ultimately got approved. I was so excited when I heard the news and immediately called the family to congratulate them and wish them a bon voyage. Well, there was sad news when I called. Karen was crying, saying the check had come that very day but sadly enough Eric had passed away the night before.

Silver Lining

While Karen and Eric never made it to Las Vegas together, Karen admitted that the money would truly help pay for funeral expenses with some left over for her to live on until she came to grips with the new life that was ahead of her. A very bittersweet claim that I will always remember.”

Although Eric never got to see Las Vegas, he passed away knowing that the love of his life would inherit the money. Our company is happy knowing that there is some comfort in that. When returning assets, we often deal with the descendants of the people holding the claim. Emilia is over the moon at the fact that she got to know Eric before he passed.

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Logistical Labyrinth: Unraveling Repetitive Challenges in the Logistics Industry

Logistical Labyrinth: Unraveling Repetitive Challenges in the Logistics Industry

The logistics industry is the unsung hero of global commerce, ensuring the seamless movement of goods from manufacturer to consumer. However, beneath the surface of this intricate web of supply chains lies a myriad of repetitive challenges that companies consistently grapple with.

  1. Supply Chain Disruptions:
    • The logistics industry is highly susceptible to disruptions caused by natural disasters, geopolitical tensions, and unforeseen events (hello, global pandemics!). These disruptions can lead to delays, increased costs, and a ripple effect on the entire supply chain.
    Solution: Implementing robust risk management strategies, diversifying suppliers, and leveraging technology for real-time tracking and data analysis can help companies better anticipate and mitigate the impact of disruptions.
  2. Inefficient Inventory Management:
    • Balancing inventory levels to meet demand without overstocking or understocking is a perpetual challenge. Excess inventory ties up capital, while insufficient stock leads to missed sales opportunities and dissatisfied customers.
    Solution: Employing advanced forecasting tools, adopting just-in-time inventory practices, and optimizing warehouse layouts can enhance inventory management efficiency.
  3. Technological Integration Challenges:
    • The logistics industry is often slow to embrace technological advancements, leading to operational inefficiencies and missed opportunities for automation and optimization.
    Solution: Investing in cutting-edge technologies such as IoT devices, blockchain, and artificial intelligence can streamline operations, improve visibility, and enhance overall efficiency.
  4. Regulatory Compliance Burdens:
    • Navigating a web of international and domestic regulations poses a constant challenge. Non-compliance can result in fines, delays, and damage to a company’s reputation.
    Solution: Employing compliance experts, investing in robust compliance management systems, and staying abreast of regulatory changes can help companies proactively address compliance issues.
  5. Transportation Costs and Sustainability:
    • Fluctuating fuel prices and the environmental impact of transportation are persistent concerns. Balancing cost-effectiveness with sustainability goals is a delicate tightrope walk.
    Solution: Adopting fuel-efficient transportation modes, optimizing delivery routes, and exploring eco-friendly initiatives such as electric vehicles can help strike a balance between cost and environmental responsibility.
  6. Talent Shortages and Training Gaps:
    • The logistics industry faces a shortage of skilled workers and a widening skills gap due to the increasing complexity of logistics operations.
    Solution: Investing in employee training programs, fostering partnerships with educational institutions, and leveraging automation to augment the workforce can help address talent shortages and bridge the skills gap.

While the logistics industry is fraught with repetitive challenges, proactive and innovative approaches can transform these hurdles into opportunities for growth and efficiency. By embracing technology, implementing strategic solutions, and staying adaptable in the face of change, companies can navigate the logistical labyrinth and emerge stronger in an ever-evolving marketplace.