How much is employee burnout costing your business? In an era that sees many employees wear their weekly overtime and success metrics as badges of honor, keeping your team on an even keel has become a delicate dance. Burnout as a concept has certainly entered the collective lexicon as something that none of us want for ourselves, but increasingly, employers are looking to quantify how much team members going over the edge costs them at large. And what does the data tell us? Well, it paints a clear picture that preventing burnout in employees is key to holding productivity high, improving turnover, bolstering corporate culture, and so much more.

So, how much can a few frazzled employees really be costing you? Well, research indicates that burnout is at epidemic levels in the United States, leading to almost 120,000 deaths and $190 billion dollars in costs each year. Getting a little more specific, data from Gallup tells us that the burned-out employee under your radar is 2.6 times as likely to be actively looking for work elsewhere, and is 63% more likely to take a sick day in the meanwhile.

If runaway turnover rates are giving you a headache, then it’s time for a Corporate Culture Audit so you can get to the bottom of the issue—because these kinds of operational and ideological missteps can steer a course for expensive rapid-fire turnover and escalating losses.

Defining Burnout and Improving Turnover

In the name of preventing burnout in employees, it helps to understand the nature of the beast. Conveniently, this isn’t something we have to do for ourselves, because the World Health Organization has already done it for us. They classify employee burnout as a “syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed,” and list its symptoms as:

  • feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion
  • increased mental distance from one’s job or feelings negative towards one’s career
  • reduced professional productivity

When the WHO take the time to define something, then we know its a widespread public health problem, which means it’s bound to be impacting every facet of the businesses who fail to address it. What’s worse is that burnout can become contagious, spreading through an organization like a rabid infection when the driving factors are not pinpointed and stamped out. So, what lies at the root of this worrying sign of corporate culture gone astray?

Pinpointing The Causes of Burnout and High Turnover

The most common causes of employee burnout include poor direction, support, and feedback from leadership; unrealistic performance pressures; eroded culture; inefficient operational practices; and work overload. All too often, employee burnout is an entirely unnecessary impact of poor communication, workplace silos, strategic flaws, or a festering toxic corporate culture. The good news is that all of these things can be easily addressed once identified.

The key to uncovering the factors at play is a comprehensive overview, and the best route to achieving that is a Corporate Culture Audit. If you need more convincing, it’s handy to note that more than three-quarters of American workers are being negatively impacted by workplace stress. Armed with that knowledge, you’ll know that elevating your team out of that pool will give you quite the competitive edge.

Our expert corporate investigators are always ready to deploy, outfitted with just the skill set required to bring problematic permeating factors to the forefront. Their role is to help your organization lay out a clear path ahead. One that includes preventing burnout in employees, improving turnover, boosting performance, and more. If you’re ready to eliminate the beast once and for all—improving the longevity of your workforce in the process—then our team is waiting to discuss how they can assist.