The Essential Guide To Locating Heirs In Times Of Need

The Essential Guide To Locating Heirs In Times Of Need

Guide To Locating Heirs In Times Of Need

Locating an Heir in Your Time of Need

In the wake of a loved one’s passing, the process of estate settlement often necessitates the search for heirs, a task that can prove both intricate and emotionally draining. This necessity arises not only from the desire to fulfill the deceased’s last wishes but also from legal obligations to ensure a rightful distribution of assets. The complexity of this task is further compounded during a period of mourning, making the expertise of a private investigator (PI) invaluable.

The Need for Heir Search Services

There are several scenarios where the need to locate an heir becomes essential:

  • Estranged Family Members: Families can lose touch, leading to difficulties in locating individuals entitled to an inheritance.
  • Unknown Heirs: In some cases, the deceased may have unknown or unexpected heirs, necessitating thorough research to identify and locate them.
  • Complex Estates: Large or complex estates with assets in multiple jurisdictions can complicate the search for heirs.
  • Probate Court: If you have to go through probate court proceedings to settle an estate, it may be necessary to find listed heirs before the case can properly proceed.

The Role of a Private Investigator

A private investigator streamlines the heir search process through:

  • Access to Extensive Databases: PIs have access to a wide array of public records, databases, and resources that the general public may not be able to utilize effectively.
  • Genealogical Research: Experienced investigators employ genealogical research techniques to trace family lineages and identify potential heirs.
  • International Networks: For heirs who may be living abroad, PIs can leverage international networks to extend their search beyond borders.

How a PI Can Ease the Burden

During a time of grief, the logistical and emotional challenges of conducting an heir search can be overwhelming. A PI offers:

  • Expertise and Efficiency: With specialized skills and experience, PIs can conduct searches more efficiently and thoroughly than individuals might manage on their own.
  • Discretion and Sensitivity: Understanding the delicate nature of the situation, PIs approach these tasks with the utmost discretion and sensitivity towards the family’s circumstances.
  • Relief from the Burden: By entrusting this task to a PI, families can focus on their grieving process, knowing that the search is being handled professionally and diligently.

The Importance of Timely Resolution

The timely identification and location of heirs are crucial for several reasons:

  • Legal Obligations: Estates must often be settled within specific time frames, necessitating a prompt search for heirs.
  • Asset Management: Unclaimed assets can become subject to escheatment laws, transferring ownership to the state if heirs are not promptly identified.
  • Closure: For families, the resolution of estate matters and the fulfillment of the deceased’s wishes provide a sense of closure during a difficult time.

Let Us Help You Find Who You are Looking For

The search for heirs in the aftermath of a loved one’s passing is a task fraught with challenges, both logistical and emotional. Private investigators offer a beacon of support in these trying times, providing the expertise, efficiency, and sensitivity required to navigate the complexities of heir searches.

By entrusting this task to a professional, families can find solace in the assurance that their loved one’s legacy is honored, and their final wishes are fulfilled, allowing them to focus on healing and remembrance. Lauth Professional Private Investigators has been helping families find heirs for years, and are ready to put our experience to work for you.

The Power of Private Investigators in Asset Recovery

The Power of Private Investigators in Asset Recovery

The Power of Private Investigators in Asset Recovery

In the complex landscape of crime and theft, the limitations of law enforcement often leave victims of property crimes in a challenging position. With police departments stretched thin and prioritizing violent crimes, the nuanced and time-consuming work of asset recovery frequently falls by the wayside. This gap in the justice system is often filled by private investigators who can put in the time and effort needed to actually solve crimes rather than simply file a report for the insurance company.

The Reality of Police Prioritization

Police departments are inundated with cases, and with resources finite, they must triage, often pushing property crimes to the backburner. While filing a report with the police is crucial for official records and insurance claims, it seldom leads to the recovery of stolen items. The overworked nature of law enforcement means they cannot dedicate the time and resources necessary for the in-depth investigations required in these cases.

The Role of a Private Investigator

This is where a private investigator comes into play. PIs bring a wealth of experience and a toolkit well-suited for the intricate task of asset recovery. Unlike law enforcement, a PI can dedicate focused time and resources to your case. Their work includes:

  • Surveillance: Monitoring suspects or locations known to be involved in the theft or sale of stolen goods.
  • Evidence Gathering: Collecting tangible proof to build a strong case for recovery or legal action.
  • Witness Interviews: Speaking with individuals who may have information about the theft or the whereabouts of stolen items.
  • Asset Recovery: Utilizing legal and investigative means to reclaim stolen property.
  • Utilizing Advanced Technologies: Employing the latest tech to track and recover assets, including GPS tracking, digital forensics, and online surveillance.

The Advantage of Personalized Attention

One of the key benefits of hiring a PI is the personalized attention your case receives. PIs work closely with their clients, offering updates and involving them in the process, which is often not the case with overburdened police departments. This tailored approach not only increases the chances of recovering stolen assets but also provides peace of mind to the victims.

The Importance of Time in Investigations

Good detective work is inherently time-consuming. It involves piecing together fragmented information, pursuing leads, and often, waiting for the right moment to act. PIs understand this and are prepared to invest the necessary time and patience, something that police departments, with their broad array of responsibilities, cannot always afford.

The Value of Expertise

When faced with the theft of valuable assets, turning to a private investigator offers a viable path to recovery. Their expertise, focus, and dedication to individual cases can bridge the gap left by the limitations of law enforcement. In the quest to reclaim what is rightfully yours, the specialized skills and undivided attention of a PI can make all the difference.

Choosing the right private investigator can mean the difference between never seeing your jewelry, art, electronics, or other belongings again, and having them recovered and returned to you. Lauth Professional Private Investigators has been helping clients with all aspects of asset recovery for years, and we are ready to put our experience to work for you.

How to Prevent Employee Theft at Car Dealerships

How to Prevent Employee Theft at Car Dealerships

Neighborhood car dealerships are often a victim of theft in many formats. For Lauth Investigations investigators there appears to be an uptick in handling these cases. Employee theft is common in general, with 50 billion dollars lost annually to employee theft in the U.S., but it is especially common with auto dealers due to the access employees have to vehicles and the high value of the product.

Employee theft is something dealers need to be constantly vigilant about. With merchandise going on and off site on a regular basis and with keys switching hands frequently, actual physical theft of a vehicle is common. If it’s not an issue of physically stealing the car, it’s a question of an employee tampering with invoices and checks. Whatever the strategy, car dealerships are losing big time to employee theft, which is a compounding problem since outside theft is already such a big issue for dealerships in the first place.

This week’s blog offers tips for dealers looking to prevent inside theft from their dealerships, with tips on how to handle it if you suspect something.

You need to have a good security system- This is a non-negotiable. Video surveillance at your dealership should be one of your top investments. There are a lot of good options out there including high quality video that focuses on internal processes and is meant to be used in the case of an investigation. Basically, you want a security system that is going to not just scare your employees into behaving, but that is also advanced and clear enough video to act as official evidence if you need it. Security goes beyond video as well. Whether you decide to invest in physical guards, or rely on keeping your facilities locked and changing codes frequently, make sure your security is as personalized as it gets. If you have guards, make sure they know all of your employees by name. If you have smart technology locks, make sure they have voice recognition or thumbprint recognition so that your employees are always identified. Of course money is an issue when investing in security and these options are not always possible, so we suggest at the very least making security a part of the company culture and conversation so that your employees know that they are being watched.

Nobody should have too much control- One of the most common ways that employee theft occurs is that somebody you trust is given too much freedom and control. We see this over and over again, and it feels like the same situation every time. Just because someone has been working for you for years does not mean that they are incapable of betraying your trust, on the contrary, these are the most common cases of employee theft because the employee feels comfortable enough in the environment to begin stealing. Everyone should have some form of check and everyone who handles money should have their books randomly reviewed at different points in the year. Many cases of insider theft are discovered once an employee goes on vacation and a new employee discovers a discrepancy that leads to an investigation.

Take discrepancies seriously- When anything in your bookkeeping doesn’t match up, it needs to be investigated immediately. If you have the least bit of suspicion that something might be going on, invest the time and energy into getting to the bottom of it. We see too many cases where proof of theft appeared early on but it was written off as mistakes in bookkeeping. Hiring a private investigator to research such discrepancies will set you back a couple of thousand. Being victim to employee fraud for a few months can cost you tens or hundreds of thousands. Don’t feel paranoid or ridiculous by choosing to play it safe.

Change patterns frequently- The key to avoiding theft, whether it’s inside or outside, is never letting anyone get to comfortable with the way things work. Make sure that the procedure for locking up, exchanging keys, and moving cars stays air tight, but also changes every few months. This will keep both employees, and outside observers, unable to take months strategizing how to steal from you.

Conduct thorough background checks- This seems like a no-brainer, but a surprising amount of dealerships do not conduct thorough background checks of potential employees. Just because someone makes a good impression or is a friend of a friend does not mean you don’t need to check into their past before you hire them. Many cases of employee fraud could be prevented by simply being thorough ahead of time.

Now if you are reading this and thinking, “All of this checking and suspicion is horrible for office morale,” you’re not alone. Many business managers need to learn to weigh protecting themselves from theft with creating an environment of culture and trust at the workplace. If you think that it is bad for company morale to have your employee’s feel like they are always being checked on, then frame the checks as a way to protect against accounting mistakes, instead of making references to theft. Also, be as transparent as possible with all other aspects of employee life such as salary, promotions, and rewarding hard work.

No employee can fault you for wanting to protect against theft as long as they are being treated with respect. Implementing these habits into your management will lead to a healthier and more efficient environment for both yourself and your employees.