Is Sony Pictures sorry they toyed with their online security?

Is Sony Pictures sorry they toyed with their online security? Photo via davidd


Sony Pictures Hacks:  What This Means for You…


The nightmare before Christmas continues for Sony pictures, only the most recent corporate victim of cyber hacking.

Currently investigators and government officials are still trying to locate the culprits who call themselves the Guardians of Peace. So far they are looking into the strong possibility of North Korean involvement stemming from the release of controversial Sony comedy The Interview.  Finding the exact source of the problem remains easier said than done. Even if officials are able to locate the hackers, it only solves a symptom while the virus(es) rage on.

In the past 18 months we’ve witnessed some of the largest retailers (Target, Home Depot), banks (Chase Morgan), and a government institution (NSA) fall victim to cybercrime. Such stories make easy headlines. With Sony pictures’ ties to Hollywood, celebrities, and power-tripping CEOs, it’s unlikely these stories will be swept under the rug anytime soon.

This new awareness of digital security – or insecurity – begs a question that every online user should be asking: if some of the most powerful organizations in the world can be broken into, what chance do we as individuals have?

Although online infiltration of a single account might not make headline news, it can still destroy a person’s credit and credibility. Fortunately, there are certain precautions you can take to prevent a downfall similar to the Sony Pictures fiasco.


A Little Common Sense Can Save You a Lot of Cash


One might think precautionary measures entail extra levels of encryption or costly security infrastructure changes. But, like William of Ockham might have said: The easiest solution is probably the most correct. With Sony Pictures as a good example of what not to do, here are some simple solutions that are probably much more efficient and cost-effective.


If your password is “Rosebud” or your dog’s/wife’s/husband’s/child’s name, you’re just begging for online retribution. It’s like hiding your prize jewels underneath the bed mattress. Don’t labeling your vault of secrets by the one name that brings holiday cheer to hackers everywhere. Instead, create a totally unique password for each online venue – one that is strange enough to remember, but different from any keywords in your personal life.


Having multiple passwords bring up the unfortunate problem of how to remember all your secret info. Hopefully you wouldn’t dare think of storing all your precious password and security information on a single document.

Shame on you, Sony Pictures. And shame on anyone else who would try this novice-level move.

You wouldn’t put all your life savings into a single stock, so why would you keep your most precious information in one location?  The reason why Sony stories are still being unloaded by the truckload is because of this very failure.  Keeping everything in a central facility? Bad move.

Warning Signs

Sony employees have given interviews indicating their lack of surprise that Sony became the latest victim of a cyber crime. There were reports of Sony ignoring potential security violations, not taking proactive security measures, and undervaluing the damage of an online attack from the get-go. These weaknesses caused a snowball effect, making an easy path for cyber hackers.

What Can You Do?


Corporations doing their due diligence can come a long way to preventing public catastrophes. Additionally, individuals can take simple steps so as to avoid a lifetime of regret. Still, you never really know how secure you are until you test it for yourself. Of course, that can be difficult, seeing as you already know all your password information and you’re probably not a hacker.

That’s where a private investigation firm can really be helpful in a situation like Sony’s. Instead of waiting until your information is broken into and revealed, causing potential damage and financial ruin, enlist the help of a PI to ensure that your information is safe. It’s one of the easiest and inexpensive ways to keep your online information as secure as you need it to be.