8 Signs of a Potential Dangerous Person ​In the Workplace

8 Signs of a Potential Dangerous Person ​In the Workplace

Here are 8 Signs of a Potential Dangerous Person In the Workplace. This is in no way an exhaustive list, merely a few common red flags to watch out for:
1. A Controlling Nature
This person is not the industrious take-charge type, but a true threat when it comes to controlling others. Change unravels this type of person.
2. Violent Opinions
These people tend to blame victims and are particularly interested in news about the latest school or workplace shooting, bombing, etc. It could be a red-flag if the individual often talks about, or expresses interest in, violent and odd topics.
3. Obsession With Power 
This point has some overlap with number one, but this type of individual may have a gun collection, subscriptions to ammo or paramilitary magazines, or be active on online communities for firearms. He or she might also be obsessed with law enforcement.4. Assume Others are Out to Get Them
Employees who seem hyper-vigilant, or even paranoid, may be under the impression that others are out to get them. A signal could be something as simple as a comment saying, “somebody is poisoning this coffee.” Paranoid thoughts, and expressions of those thoughts, are a red-flag for potential violent behavior in the future.

5. Frequent use of malicious references

These people are likely to say things like: “She had it coming,” or, “Karma is a great thing and will come back to bite him.”

6. A Generally Weird Personality 

They generally are the oddballs, the ones who stand out. They don’t get invited to parties coworkers throw. Although there are tons of harmless people with odd personalities, this is a potential red-flag.

7. Lifestyle is Not Health-Conscious 
Not very many of us have the discipline to live a completely health-conscious lifestyle. That is not uncommon. However, at the extreme end of the spectrum: people often smoke and/or drink, rely on pain pills all the time, are hooked on sleeping pills, eat junk-food constantly, and are the last people you’ll see at the gym performing lifts or taking a high-impact aerobics class.

8. Ongoing Anger
These types of people are frequently irate, and they often blame others for this anger. These are the people, that at some point, will reach boiling point.

Sen. Miller to introduce bill to deal with nurses’ records

Lawmaker who’s also RN wants to mandate background checks

State Sen. Patricia L. Miller, R-Indianapolis, plans to introduce legislation that makes background checks mandatory for Indiana nurses.

Miller said she has asked the Legislative Services Agency to draft such a bill in response to an Indianapolis Star report showing Indiana is one of only a handful of states that do not require background checks for nurses.

The Star’s investigation found nurses who had been charged or convicted of crimes involving prescription drugs, alcohol and violence. Licensing officials did not find out about those charges or convictions, however, and the nurses’ licenses were not affected.

“There ought to be a simple way to do this that is really fair and effective,” Miller, a registered nurse, told The Star on Tuesday. “Often the information is available; it’s just not getting to the state.”

Miller, who chairs the Health and Provider Services Committee, plans to introduce the bill in the next legislative session. She is gathering suggestions from nurses and others but is considering three main provisions:

Requiring hospitals, nursing homes and other kinds of health facilities to conduct pre-employment criminal background checks on nurses. They are currently required to perform such checks only on unlicensed professionals.

Requiring employers to pass information they learn about nurses’ criminal activity on to licensing officials.

Requiring law enforcement officials to pass information about nurses’ criminal history on to licensing officials on an ongoing basis (rather than checking nurses’ backgrounds only when they change jobs or renew their licenses).

“If something happens the day after you have your last criminal history check and the police know it,” Miller said, “they ought to report it then.”