When corporations make the investment to evaluate their corporate culture, it’s important that they choose a vendor who offers a comprehensive audit program. With the rise of the #MeToo movement, the Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC) saw an overall increase of 13.6% of sexual harassment filings in 2018. That’s not counting other filings for discrimination based on age, race, and sexual orientation. This has placed corporations on high alert as the nation’s capitalist climate gears up for change in their workplaces. This means that when leadership opts for a corporate culture audit, it’s important that their money is well-spent, and one of the best moves to make is hiring private investigators to handle the audit.
Many corporate culture audits are performed by independent risk assessment firms, which is to be expected. Risk assessment firms specialize in identifying the weak points in a business from their workforce background to their brick and mortar security. However, if leadership is going to invest in improving their corporate culture, it’s important that they pick a program that offers comprehensive services. While risk assessment firms might employ highly capable auditors capable of identifying security oversight or performing background checks, every business is different, and it’s important that the program selected fit every business true-to-form. That’s where a private investigator can be an invaluable asset.
Private investigators as a profession have a lurid
reputation for following philandering spouses and people suspected of worker’s
compensation fraud. The same tool chest that allows them to perform those
services is the same one that makes them ideal candidates to perform corporate
culture audits. Private investigators have an eye for detail, diligent drive,
and a meticulous ability to evaluate and make recommendations based on what
they’ve observed. These are the types of professionals you want when it comes
to assessing the culture of your business or organization.
Independent risk assessment firms are just as excellent in
identifying the risk factors that put a business or organization at risk, such
as vulnerabilities in their securities, faulty hiring processes, and at-risk
employees based on their history—but what about the human element within a
corporate culture audit? Corporate culture audits are so much more than
comparing documents and surveying brick-and-mortar locations. It’s also about
understanding how current employees function in a workplace ecosystem. Private
investigators, with a wealth of experience in evaluating human behavior and
emotions, can be the boots-on-the-ground investigators who can speak with
current employees and collect data on their impressions of the current work
environment and how the culture can be improved. Some of the questions private
investigators may address include, but are not limited to:
everyone in the company invested in the same things?
are the valued differences between your corporation and the competition?
are the key measures of success within your company?
is the functionality of the leadership in place versus the leadership required
for success?
are the environmental factors that are contributing to the decline in culture?
is the history of your company’s culture from its foundation?
are the subcultures that have formed in your organization and what is their
role within the company?
By answering these questions and calculating the human responses, private investigators can provide executive leadership with recommendations based on more than what exists on paper; for example, the last item on that list regarding the identification of subcultures. Private investigators do not only look at the behavior of individual employees, but also how those employees relate to each other. In workspaces where there are employees of 10 or more, it is hyper-common for subcultures (or groups) to form. This happens when individual employees gravitate towards one another as a result of their shared interests, goals, or gripes. Their comradery can either contribute to the cycle of corporate culture, or undermine it. When a subculture forms because the employees all have similar degrees of dissatisfaction with their job (regardless of the reason), their validation of one another in solidarity can be a cancer within the organization. This is why it’s imperative to hire corporate culture auditors who have a high level of understanding of human behavior—they can provide a comprehensive picture of how their current employees are contributing to the cycle of corporate culture.
private investigators may not be able to dismantle subcultures, they can change
the conversation within those subcultures. Groups of employees who bond over
poor treatment from a supervisor or frustration with current internal processes
will have to find other things to talk about once these issues are addressed
and remedied appropriately. This is one of the ways that we improve the cycle
of corporate culture. When employees see pervasive issues being addressed by
leadership, they are inherently more engaged in the process, which can increase
the quality of communication, the level of productivity, and the overall health
of the workplace. Private investigators are some of the best professionals to perform
these audits ultimately because they have a grasp of human behavior that allows
them to accurately pinpoint the issues and make recommendations to leadership.
Sexual harassment in the workplace can create a hostile environment for employees and decrease workfroce morale.
The #MeToo movement has fundamentally changed the conversation around reporting and documenting allegations of sexual harassment in the workplace. Victims of this harassment have previously been restricted by a pervasive culture of silence and shame within the workplace—a culture where reporters are vilified and characterized as dishonest people with an axe to grind. Now, with many victims of sexual harassment publicizing their experiences in the workplace, more and more people are feeling empowered to seek justice for their treatment.
The Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC) reported in their annual fiscal report that sexual harassment filings had an overall increase of 13.6% from 2018. The EEOC also denoted that they secured nearly $70 million for the victims of sexual harassment through enforcement on behalf of administration. These are just a few ways that the EEOC is attempting to make themselves the new champions of workplace harassment reporting in effort to improve the culture around reporting and enforcement. The EEOC seeks to empower employers to create a corporate culture within their organization that does not demonize reporting and encourages thorough investigations of all claims. By fostering this open and transparent workplace culture, employers create spaces for their employees that are safe, respectful, and thriving environment.
For a myriad of reasons, employers may have difficulty in
performing due-diligence on sexual harassment claims. Whether the employer does
not find the complaint credible, or as a result of oversight, when no
investigation is conducted into the complaint, the organization opens itself up
to subsequent litigation and a public relations nightmare. However, there are
affirmative defenses for employers who can document their attempts to create a
safe environment for their employees. One of the ways employers can document
this is by submitting their organization to a corporate culture audit.
A corporate culture audit is one of the best investments that an employer can make in 2019. These audits are typically conducted by independent risk assessment firms and in some cases, even private investigators. In essence, a corporate culture audit is basically a check-up for a business or organization—not unlike taking your car in for scheduled maintenance. An auditor will enter the work environment and conduct a series of assessments based on a previously-set agenda. The goal of the auditor is to review internal processes and the physical location (if applicable) and identify issues that could have negative consequences for the corporation or organization, such as faulty investigation procedures for internal complaints.
Not only can these audits protect businesses and organizations
in the aftermath of a sexual harassment claim, but corporate culture audits can
also improve your business from within. What we know about the cycle of
corporate culture indicates that when employees feel valued, they are more
engaged and more productive as a result. The audit also evaluates the
organization’s internal operations for efficacy and efficiency. By identifying
flaws within internal operations, corporations can modify those procedures to increase
productivity. Corporate culture audits are an invaluable opportunity for
organizations to bolster their business and improve the overall health of the
If you want to give your business a tune-up, call Lauth
Investigations International today for a free quote on our corporate culture
program. We are an independent private investigation firm specializing in corporate
investigations and crimes against persons. We have an A+ rating with the Better
Business Bureau and scores of 5-star ratings on Google. Call today and learn
how we can improve your business from within.
Every corporation needs an excellent in-house attorney to fight complex legal battles in their stead—someone to act in the best interests of the company and its future. In addition to the everyday intricacies of business litigation, house counsel may also have to field lawsuits from current or former employees who have a legal objection to something that happened during their tenure at the business. When employee lawsuits become a pervasive issue at a business, not only is the cost in billable hours exponential, but the legal judgements that result from these litigations can be devastating for companies. While litigation in general can be characterized as the cost of doing business, companies with healthy corporate culture experience a much lower rate of employee lawsuits. So, how can healthy corporate culture reduce the chance of a lawsuit?
Corporations across the United States are starting to understand the value of healthy corporate culture. Employee lawsuits aside, unhealthy corporate culture can have detrimental, snowballing effects that occur when employees are unhappy in their capacity and unengaged in their work. This is why corporations must improve their culture from within, so that employee retention and productivity remain high. Corporations also have millennials making up the majority of the workforce in the nation, complete with a set of values that propels them to seek a better work-life balance. This means that millennials are less likely to stay in a job where they are unhappy, and will simply seek a more amendable opportunity that allows them to have the work-life balance they desire.
When employees do not feel heard or valued by their employer, they’re far more likely to file a lawsuit related to their grievance. And unfortunately, no company is safe. In 2010, 99,922 EEOC charges were filed in the state of Florida alone, a datapoint that makes leadership wonder not if they’ll be the target of a lawsuit, but when. Employee lawsuits can drag out over months or even years, exponentially getting more expensive. The average settlement in an employee claim or lawsuit is $40,000. That expense alone can be devastating to a company, but that does not account for the disruption to daily operations, and the fact that litigation costs are on a steady rise. In 10% of cases, settlements result in $1 million or greater, a sum that could be the beginning of the end for many medium to small corporations.
The risk of a lawsuit can be even greater depending on the state in which it is filed. According to the Hiscox Group, a majority of states carry around a 10% change of having an employee lawsuit filed against them. However, in Georgia, the probability is 19%. In states like New Mexico, California, and Nevada, the probability can be as high as 55%. The area with the highest probability of litigation is the District of Columbia, with a terrifying 81% chance. The reason for the wide range in probabilities is two-fold: First, the legal standards in each state regarding discrimination and hostile work environments can vary. Secondly, the states with higher risks have more binding laws regarding litigation that can create extra hurdles for companies at the state level. This is why corporations must stay current on employment legislation, especially if they have locations across multiple states/jurisdictions.
So, how can corporations protect themselves against litigation from current or former employees? In-house counsel fields lawsuits when they are filed, but did you know there was a more proactive method to combatting employee litigation? The answer is simple: healthy corporate culture. When a corporation has a healthy corporate culture, it means that the employees feel valued by their employers in their capacity within the organization. It means that employees who feel valued are engaged, thereby greasing the wheels of internal, daily operations. This increased productivity means progress for the company, and the cycle of healthy corporate culture begins anew with leadership rewarding engaged employees for their hard work.
Research shows that the number one reason behind employee lawsuits is retaliation. In an average scenario, the employee reports an internal issue, usually regarding a form of discrimination. Following the inclusion of the investigation, when the employee cannot track for upward mobility, or a form of unwarranted disciplinary action occurs, they assume the reason is for reporting the previous issue. This can result in that employee filing a lawsuit for receiving unfair treatment on behalf of their employer. When organizations have healthy corporate culture, this is far less likely to occur.
If your company or organization needs a corporate culture overhaul, call Lauth Investigations International today for a free quote on our corporate culture audit program. We can help you improve your business from within and decrease the likelihood of employee lawsuits. When it comes to your business, you should expect facts, not fiction.
When considering your company’s culture, sometimes it’s difficult to know where your organization stands in relativity to other businesses like yours. The answer could be closer than you think. When corporations submit to a corporate cultural audit, one of the first things that’s evaluated by the auditor is the communication channels within the corporation, or the intranet. The quality of internal communication says a lot about what your corporation is striving for and the means they are using to achieve it. With intranet platforms like Slack ever-evolving, and a growing tech-savvy generation dominating the workforce, corporations are on notice to improve the quality of their internal communications to improve their operations and retain employees.
In your current position, you may find yourself thinking, “These new hires look younger every day.” You’re not alone. Since 2016, millennials have dominated the workforce as the largest working generation. With that majority comes a completely different scope regarding your corporation’s culture. Not only do millennials have a different set of standards when it comes to corporate culture, but they also turn to technology to improve daily operations, such as intranet platforms like Slack. While intranet platforms like these can be a great way to grease the wheels of communication within your corporation, they can also be unintended whistle blowers. With Slack in particular (depending on the privacy settings of the users), communication on the platform’s channels can be viewed by the administrator of the account.
Connectivity improves between employees through these platforms, but how about the quality of the communication in question? With intranet communications becoming more visible, it’s important that employees do not drop their guard for an application like Slack. The inherent lack of formality in instant messaging can negatively impact the quality of communication moving through it. This extends not just to poor communication, but also inappropriate communications, such as non-work-related subjects, and communications that would be classified as abusive by even the most liberal of human resource officers. These intranet platforms and tools are here to take the communication roadblocks out of the day-to-day operations of the corporation, and it’s important that employees and leadership respect that line of contact.
In evaluating a corporation’s culture, it’s important to gauge whether or not leadership and employees are on the same page when it comes to their company’s vision and mission. Transparency in communication is one of the means to that end. Now that intranet communications are becoming more visible and accessible in corporations across the country, leadership is left with the task of ensuring that their communications are a reflection of their company’s mission and values. The visibility of internal communications means that there’s more and more opportunities for leadership to single out symptoms of poor corporate culture and address them head-on.
Internal crises can be staggering for fast-paced corporations
and small businesses who lack the time or resources to directly address
individual issues. Some corporations build internal teams in order to supervise
pervasive internal issues, but this can be a huge budget issue for some
companies. That’s why more and more issues If your corporation is suffering
from a corporate crisis, don’t hesitate. Even if the crisis seems relatively
minor, it could be symptomatic of a larger problem within your organization.
Call Lauth
Investigations International today for a free quote on our brand-new
Corporate Culture Audit (CCA) program. Our dedicated and qualified staff
composed of former military and law enforcement officers will get to the bottom
of your internal problems. With Lauth Investigations International,
you can expect hands-on, comprehensive services, detailed reports, and expert
recommendations. When it comes to your business or organization, you should
only expect facts, not fiction.
If you are a member of Generation X or older, you might have
noticed your workplace undergoing significant changes more often than usual.
The technology used in daily operations is being updated, streamlined, and
implemented from the top-down. The language of your workplace might be changing
and evolving. The new hires appear to look younger and younger every day. As millennials
age, we will see a rising trend in places of business being dominated by millennial
culture and influence, and that just might be the answer to a necessary major
overhaul of corporate culture throughout the United States.
The Baby Boomer generation used to be the largest generation
currently employed in the United States. As they start to retire and leave the
workforce, the road is paved and shiny for millennials to fill those positions.
Since 2016, millennials
have made up a majority of the American labor force, and American work
environments are seeing the signs of progression. Millennials are an inspired
and ambitious generation, despite their reputation for lacking initiative and
being obsessed with the latest tech. Their most notable trait however is their
standards for corporate culture.
Millennials—more than any other generation—are famous for
job-hopping. Over half of working millennials have reported that they are
usually open to new job opportunities. Not only are they less likely to remain
at any one position indefinitely, but they are also more focused on the comprehensive
definitions of an organization’s culture. If corporations throughout the country
wish to continue hiring new employees, they may have to take a harder look at
their corporate culture. “Clearly, many young professionals are thinking about
more than money and are willing to sacrifice a portion of their salary in
exchange for a career move that more closely aligns with their values or
passions or improves their work-life balance,” said Kristen
Robinson, senior vice president, Women & Young Investors, Fidelity
While working millennials have previously been characterized
as desperate hamster-wheel employees struggling to pay off student loan debt,
recent studies have shown that millennials are seeking a work-life balance that
is supported by their employer. Work-life flexibility can come in many forms,
such as flexible scheduling and remote working opportunities. The
Sloan Center on Aging & Work reported “a study of more than 19,000
employees showed that stress and burnout was lower among workers engaged in all
types of flexibility arrangements.”
What we know about the
cycle of corporate culture indicates that these employees who are having
more positive work experiences through work-life balance are then pouring themselves
back into their employment, furthering the health of the organization’s culture.
According to Gallup,
teams with high employee engagement rates are 21% more productive and have 28%
less internal theft than those with low engagement. When employees are engaged,
the wheels of the corporate machine turn fluidly.
Corporations can begin the process of improving their corporate culture by soliciting an independent corporate culture audit from firms in the risk assessment and private investigation industry. If your corporation is suffering from a corporate crisis, don’t hesitate. Even if the crisis seems relatively minor, it could be symptomatic of a larger problem within your organization. Call Lauth Investigations International today for a free quote on our brand-new Corporate Culture Audit (CCA) program. Our dedicated and qualified staff composed of former military and law enforcement officers will get to the bottom of your internal problems. With Lauth Investigations International, you can expect hands-on, comprehensive services, detailed reports, and expert recommendations. When it comes to your business or organization, you should only expect facts, not fiction.