Harassment & Discrimination Investigations
End the culture of silence with Lauth
Don’t let harassment & discrimination thrive in your business
Harassment and discrimination investigations can be triggered by a myriad of intersecting issues in a multitude of environments. Harassment and discrimination can take place on the job, in the home, and under the radar. They generally carry a high level of scrutiny on behalf of investigating parties who must have the diverse experience to sift through they-said, they-sad narratives and get to the truth. That’s why harassment and discrimination investigations need a seasoned private investigator to independently document and expose these types of personal or workplace harassment and discrimination.
Lauth uses comprehensive intelligence services to document patterns of sexual harassment and discrimination for both employees and private citizens. Lauth’s private investigators are highly trained to review background histories, interviewing and developing rapport with witnesses, and conducting undercover missions. At Lauth, our only obligation is to the truth, ensuring that our investigations are objective and comprehensive in service of our clients.

According to a survey of U.S. employees …
of women reported unwanted sexual advances in the workplace
said their harasser was not punished by leadership
said the harassment came from a superior
How Lauth can help with your harassment or discrimination claim.
Lauth uses the latest in surveillance technology to expose the unseen factors within any workplace. Our investigators have a wealth of experience in threat identification and risk assessment with regards to the safety of the workplace.
Background checks
Lauth uses verified databases to secure a comprehensive background report on the relevant Subjects in any fraud or forgery case. Our investigators are trained to view a person’s criminal, financial, address, and litigation history to identify significant risk factors and provide expert recommendations for our clients and their businesses.
Undercover operations
Our investigators have the necessary tool chest to conduct objective, covert undercover operations within any organization, seeking the unseen factors in any workplace.
Evidence gathering
Combined with our surveillance technology to bring certainty to harassment and discrimination investigations, our investigators are highly trained in discreet evidence gathering to support their findings in the case.
Witness testimony
Our independence and objectivity can provide another layer of integrity to your case. Lauth’s investigators are comprised of former military and law enforcement with diverse experience in legal proceedings and providing testimony on behalf of our clients.

Why clients need our services
Due to their independence, private investigators are ideal candidates to document harassment and discrimination. Because their only loyalty it to the truth, they can successfully contextualize conduct and malicious intent without inherent bias. They use the best available verified databases and surveillance methodology to get to the bottom of any harassment or discrimination crisis.
The Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC) reported in their annual fiscal report that sexual harassment filings had an overall increase of 13.6% from 2018.
Workplace Harassment and Discrimination
Workplace harassment is one of the most common forms we hear about when it comes to sexual harassment and discrimination. A female employee might file a hostile work environment complaint against a male superior on the grounds that a quid-pro-quo relationship had developed. The #MeToo movement has fundamentally changed the conversation around reporting and documenting allegations of sexual harassment in the workplace. Victims of this workplace harassment have previously been restricted by a pervasive culture of silence and shame within the workplace—a culture where reporters are vilified and characterized as dishonest people with an axe to grind. Now, with many victims of sexual harassment publicizing their experiences in the workplace, more and more people are feeling empowered to seek justice for their treatment. Sexual harassment in the workplace is not only harmful to the victim, but also to the organization as a whole, depleting morale and therefore productivity.
In another scenario dealing with discrimination, a black employee might file a discrimination suit after being repeatedly overlooked for advancement opportunities in favor of less qualified, white employees. This form of discriminatory harassment is something that should concern employees at all levels, as it speaks to something woefully off-track within a corporation or organization. This repeated pattern of behavior on behalf of leadership or human resource employees can leave the corporation or organization wide open to employee retaliation litigation that cites the discrimination as part of the public record. In addition to the litigation costs and any settlement that might be reached, the press coverage and attention could cost corporations thousands in lost business or support.
Forms of sexual harassment and discrimination that are sometimes left out of the conversation surrounding hostile work environments is discriminatory harassment against individuals based on their sexual orientation on behalf of homophobic employees. Similar to instances of sexual harassment and discriminatory harassment, this type of workplace harassment leaves a corporation open to massive litigation costs. When an employee is mistreated due to their sexual orientation, presentation, or gender identity, it’s a Title IX nightmare waiting to happen. Rather than turn a blind eye to this behavior, employers are implored to seek the guidance of a private investigator to expose the abuser(s) in the workplace.
Among many other valuable qualities, a private investigator’s discretion and ability to blend in with the crowd is paramount. In cases where one party alleges harassment or discrimination on behalf of the other, the name of the game is objectivity. With our independence, Lauth Investigations International’s private investigators are loyal only to the truth, and can objectively document instances of harassment and discrimination. This foundation of integrity will be necessary to bolster any subsequent legal action that might take place.
Corporate culture audits
Repetitive internal issues such as sexual harassment and discrimination can really slow down the internal operations of any business or corporation. Instead of addressing each claim on a case-by-case business, more business owners are becoming proactive in identifying the weaknesses in their internal operations that allow for this pattern. Submitting to a corporate culture audit can uncover the root cause of misconduct in the workplace and decrease (if not eliminate) claims of sexual harassment and discrimination. A corporate culture audit is one of the best investments that an employer can make in 2019. These audits are typically conducted by independent risk assessment firms and in some cases, even private investigators. In essence, a corporate culture audit is basically a check-up for a business or organization—not unlike taking your car in for scheduled maintenance. An auditor will enter the work environment and conduct a series of assessments based on a previously-set agenda. The goal of the auditor is to review internal processes and the physical location (if applicable) and identify issues that could have negative consequences for the corporation or organization, such as faulty investigation procedures for internal complaints.
Through Harassment & Discrimination Investigations, our private investigators are able to identify malignant presences in your organization that drag down employee morale and hurt pipeline productivity. Lauth is passionate about using our intelligence services to improve toxic corporate cultures. If you’re experiencing pervasive incidents of harassment and discrimination, it’s time to make a significant change. Harassment & Discrimination Investigations are an extension of our corporate culture audit program make it possible for leadership to improve their business from within.
Personal Harassment and Discrimination
Sexual harassment, unlawful discrimination and other forms of harassing conduct can occur outside the workplace as well. Private citizens can experience very personal harassing conduct in their own neighborhoods at the hands of friends, neighbors, significant others and even their own family. Unfortunately, violent crimes such as sexual assault usually begin with acts such as stalking, in which one individual unlawfully tracks another individual’s movements, with intent to terrorize or control them. Too often, victims of stalking are unable to provide law enforcement with concrete evidence that they are being stalked, and therefore law enforcement does not consider the alleged stalking behavior as a credible threat. The behavior usually escalates, typically ending in violence.
Private investigators can provide the necessary intelligence services in order to prompt the intervention from law enforcement. We can document a subject’s harassing behavior, turn that evidence over to law enforcement and get the ball rolling on and legal or criminal processes to protect the victim of the crime.
If you are suffering a form of harassment or discrimination and have not been able to get justice, call Lauth Investigations International today for a free quote on our harassment and discrimination services. We offer detailed reports and expert intervention for our clients. Call 317-951-1100 today.
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