Corporate Culture on Your Company’s Intranet
When considering your company’s culture, sometimes it’s difficult to know where your organization stands in relativity to other businesses like yours. The answer could be closer than you think. When corporations submit to a corporate cultural audit, one of the first things that’s evaluated by the auditor is the communication channels within the corporation, or the intranet. The quality of internal communication says a lot about what your corporation is striving for and the means they are using to achieve it. With intranet platforms like Slack ever-evolving, and a growing tech-savvy generation dominating the workforce, corporations are on notice to improve the quality of their internal communications to improve their operations and retain employees.
In your current position, you may find yourself thinking, “These new hires look younger every day.” You’re not alone. Since 2016, millennials have dominated the workforce as the largest working generation. With that majority comes a completely different scope regarding your corporation’s culture. Not only do millennials have a different set of standards when it comes to corporate culture, but they also turn to technology to improve daily operations, such as intranet platforms like Slack. While intranet platforms like these can be a great way to grease the wheels of communication within your corporation, they can also be unintended whistle blowers. With Slack in particular (depending on the privacy settings of the users), communication on the platform’s channels can be viewed by the administrator of the account.
Connectivity improves between employees through these platforms, but how about the quality of the communication in question? With intranet communications becoming more visible, it’s important that employees do not drop their guard for an application like Slack. The inherent lack of formality in instant messaging can negatively impact the quality of communication moving through it. This extends not just to poor communication, but also inappropriate communications, such as non-work-related subjects, and communications that would be classified as abusive by even the most liberal of human resource officers. These intranet platforms and tools are here to take the communication roadblocks out of the day-to-day operations of the corporation, and it’s important that employees and leadership respect that line of contact.
In evaluating a corporation’s culture, it’s important to gauge whether or not leadership and employees are on the same page when it comes to their company’s vision and mission. Transparency in communication is one of the means to that end. Now that intranet communications are becoming more visible and accessible in corporations across the country, leadership is left with the task of ensuring that their communications are a reflection of their company’s mission and values. The visibility of internal communications means that there’s more and more opportunities for leadership to single out symptoms of poor corporate culture and address them head-on.
Internal crises can be staggering for fast-paced corporations and small businesses who lack the time or resources to directly address individual issues. Some corporations build internal teams in order to supervise pervasive internal issues, but this can be a huge budget issue for some companies. That’s why more and more issues If your corporation is suffering from a corporate crisis, don’t hesitate. Even if the crisis seems relatively minor, it could be symptomatic of a larger problem within your organization. Call Lauth Investigations International today for a free quote on our brand-new Corporate Culture Audit (CCA) program. Our dedicated and qualified staff composed of former military and law enforcement officers will get to the bottom of your internal problems. With Lauth Investigations International, you can expect hands-on, comprehensive services, detailed reports, and expert recommendations. When it comes to your business or organization, you should only expect facts, not fiction.