How We Can Return Your Assets to You

How We Can Return Your Assets to You

money hanging

By: Kym Pasqualini, Feature Writer for Lauth Investigations

Have you ever found a $20 bill in your laundry and felt you just won the lottery? Most people would be ecstatic to realize they forgot to empty their pockets but what happens to money you don’t know exists? Hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars.

You may be surprised how many people in this country have unclaimed assets they may never know existed . . . unless they look for it.

Currently, it is estimated local, state and federal agencies collectively hold more than $58 billion in unclaimed assets, roughly $175 for every U.S. resident. However, experts estimate there may be as much as $100 billion languishing in unclaimed cash and benefits held in local, state and federal agencies. We do know, daily, the amount of unclaimed funds increases.

According to the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators, every state including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands has lost assets, commonly referred to as unclaimed funds.

What are Lost Assets?

The unclaimed property law or escheatment was first enacted in 1954. The purpose of the act is to provide a central repository in each state, so citizens can seek lost assets belonging to them. Each state maintains a comprehensive list of the unclaimed assets.

Unclaimed funds are financial assets owed to an individual or business not claimed or have unknown ownership. Examples of unclaimed assets or funds are the following:

  • Uncashed payroll checks
  • Dormant bank accounts
  • Safe deposit boxes
  • Refunds
  • Customer overpayments
  • Security deposits
  • Insurance payments
  • Unclaimed dividends
  • Unclaimed securities
  • Traveler’s checks, money orders, cashier’s checks
  • Principal on debt
  • Escrow balances
  • Old stock certificates
  • Mining Certificates
  • Mineral royalty payments
  • Retirement
  • Property held by courts and other governmental agencies

All businesses must forward all unclaimed funds or property to their state in accordance with their state’s escheat laws. Ideally, the state holds unclaimed funds in a trust and attempts to locate the rightful owner – except it doesn’t always work in that way.

Unfortunately, since 2006, a mere 5% of lost assets has been returned to rightful owners.

money locked

The Escheatment Process

Unclaimed property is governed by state laws requiring all unclaimed assets be turned over to the state to be held in trust. For example, if a bank account is inactive for a lengthy period, commonly within one year, the state can claim the funds in the account through a process known as escheatment.

Escheatment accounts are defined as dormant, unclaimed or abandoned. For instance, banks are responsible for reporting unclaimed property to the state after a certain amount of dormancy. Each state has a different time frame before the state escheats the assets to safeguard them.

In Arizona, a financial institution must report securities property after a period of 3 years dormancy and bonds after two years.

The laws are strict. A company could be fined by the Arizona Department of Revenue a civil penalty of 25% of the value of the unclaimed asset or abandoned property or $100 per day up to $5,000.

The only tangible property covered is the contents of safe deposit boxes. However, for contents of safe deposit boxes, periodic auctions are conducted by most states and proceeds from the sale of items are held for a rightful owner.

While unclaimed, the policy for unclaimed funds is they should be used for the “greater good” of the public, until such time as it is returned to the rightful owner. Without affecting the state’s obligation to return unclaimed funds, collections are used to finance operations such as public schools and college scholarships.

In 1951, the U.S. Supreme Court stated in the Standard Oil Co. vs New Jersey case, “Property that escapes seizure by would-be possessors and is used for the general good rather than the chance enrichment of particular individuals or organizations.”

In 2015, $3.235 billion was returned by state government unclaimed property agencies to rightful owners or heirs.

What is an Heir?

An heir is the “rightful owner” of lost assets/funds or a person in ranking who is entitled to inherit property if the rightful owner is deceased, sometimes referred to as a logical heir.

An heir can be an individual or a company such as a business or corporation, church or charity, or hospital.

unclaimed funds

Defining the Source

A government database of centralized information does not exist; therefore, each federal agency maintains its own records. When looking for lost assets this can create confusion and, in reality, often makes the property hard to find.

  • United State Treasury reports an estimated 25,000 payments are returned as undeliverable.
  • US Bankruptcy Courts reports approximately $200 million dollars is waiting to be claimed.
  • Class Action Lawsuits have generally 95% of the funds as unclaimed.
  • Savings Bonds show an estimated 40 million savings bonds have gone unredeemed, equaling an estimated $16.5 billion dollars.
  • Life Insurance reveals there is approximately $1 billion dollars unclaimed due to lost or unknown policies.

Lost assets can be found in the most unlikely places.

In an Oklahoma News 4 report, the Oklahoma Corporation Commission spokesperson Matt Skinner said, “You were someone who had an ancestor who owned minerals in 1910, [and] that’s still the name on the minerals, then if you can prove those minerals were part of an estate that came to you, you would get the money that is in the fund.”

For any given property, there might be dozens, sometimes hundreds, of oil and mineral owners. Much of the time, people are second and third generation and the original rights are still in the parents or grandparents names who have passed away.

While each state maintains their own database, the resources to find the owners of the property are minimal, even nonexistent. Some states advertise on their websites and others in the local newspapers. Clearly, with only 5% return on total lost assets, these methods are not effective.

With the lack of a national database, finding lost assets can be difficult for most individuals and makes it necessary to find help.

Finding Heirs

Prior to turning over unclaimed property to the state as required by law, businesses or holders of lost funds may conduct due diligence and often hire companies, referred to as heir finders, to assist in finding the rightful owner of unclaimed assets.

Most states require heir finders to be licensed private investigators to protect consumers.

One may think they don’t need a private investigation firm to represent them; however, there are many benefits to hiring a private investigator to locate lost assets. Experts say it is beneficial to work with professionals who are familiar with specific state laws where the property is located and the ability to obtain procurement of documents and certificates while working efficiently for the client.

Rain Lauth of Lauth Investigations International Lost Assets Division, specializes in finding lost assets and works closely with local, state and federal agencies to provide assistance to consumers, stresses the importance of working with licensed private investigators when searching for lost assets and filing claims for ownership.

“They will be familiar with all the forms that will be filed, the proper identification, probate laws, court properties, co-claimants, death certificates and other required information,” says Lauth.

Lauth Investigations has returned over $15 million to rightful owners since 2013 with an overall success rate of 98% on all claims.



“We take great pride in working with our clients in a caring and professional manner,” said Lauth. “Often the process of locating and claiming lost assets can be an overwhelming experience, but with our extensive resources and a highly skilled team, we diligently seek to make the process of documentation of ownership a painless experience for our clients,” added Lauth.


Caveat Emptor

Caveat Emptor

From Latin, it means “buyer beware.” It’s a phrase that conjures scenes from the famous tale of “Jack and the Beanstalk.” Young Jack’s mother, filled with shame and frustration, regrets sending her son to market after finding out he’d sold their most valuable possession—their cow—for a handful of beans. Jack’s mother feared her son had been a victim of consumer fraud, and unfortunately, it is far from fiction.CONSUMER FRAUD PHOTO

In many ways, capitalist America is the perfect hunting ground for the man with the magic beans. America is one of the largest consumer nations on the globe. Securing an excellent deal on goods and services means bragging to your friends about how you got the new lawnmower for a song. The consumer feels intelligent and capable, as if they managed to somehow trick the store or salesperson into giving it to them at an attractive price. American consumers chase this feeling by attending special sales, racking up credit card debt, and turning coupon-clipping into an Olympic sport—all in the interest of outsmarting the man with the magic beans.

Luckily for American consumers, there are institutions that help protect them from consumer fraud, such as the Better Business Bureau, which identifies problematic businesses that might swindle American consumers out of their hard-earned money. There’s the Federal Trade Commission, a government agency policing business practices and policies to protect American consumers and regulate competition within industries to maintain a healthy, well-balanced economy. In the long century since both of these institutions were established, the man with the magic beans has also changed and evolved, just like any predator.

Mortgage fraud picOne of the most common types of consumer fraud in America is mortgage fraud. Owning one’s home is still very much a part of the American dream. Americans shop for homes for months, searching for the certainty they will not overpay for their homes. Those who have morbidly derelict credit are afraid to answer the phone, desperate to evade bill collectors, petrified of losing their home. They are perfect targets for criminals running foreclosure-rescue schemes.  The Federal Bureau of Investigation defines it as “perpetrators profit by selling the property to an investor or straw borrower, creating equity using a fraudulent appraisal, and stealing the seller proceeds or fees paid by the homeowners.” Perpetrators convince the debtor they can transfer their poor credit into the name of a third-party investor (i.e. the perpetrator), renting their property until such a time their credit is once again in sufficient standing. The perpetrator fails to make the mortgage payments on behalf of the victim and pockets the profit.

As technology advances, there are more convenient ways to pay for goods and services with the rise of electronic pay, using applications and online services to pay bills. It might be the best way to avoid another common type of consumer fraud: debit-card fraud. Many Americans are familiar with credit card fraud but might believe their debit cards are safe. Ken Stalcup, a certified fraud examiner working with Somerset in Indianapolis, identifies these types of fraud for a living, but even he is not immune to consumer fraud. He was just paying the bill at a restaurant. The waitress disappeared out of sight with his debit card to clear his bill, and when she returned, nothing was amiss. However, Stalcup’s bank was alerted when it appeared his debit card was used to purchase computer equipment almost halfway around the world. The waitress had sold his card information, enabling other criminals to steal from him. His advice to other vulnerable consumers is to “avoid letting their debit cards out of sight and check their accounts daily.”

One of the most devious forms of consumer fraud is charity frauds. Fake charities are set up with the intention of exploiting humanity’s capacity for the desire to help those less fortunate than oneself using the same system that real charities use to collect legal donations. According to a 2011 statement by the FTC, they received more than 30,000 reports of people making donations to fraudulent charities. Just as easily as Americans are vulnerable to a good deal, they are also vulnerable to putting their money towards a charitable cause, whether out of actual benevolence or the appearance of such. These predators are especially fond of slithering out of the woodwork in the wake of natural disasters such as hurricanes like Katrina and Maria that devastated both New Orleans and Puerto Rico respectively. These tactics add a brand-new level of sleaze to consumer fraud, taking advantage of the American need to help their fellow man.

Consumer ProtectionIn addition to remaining an informed and skeptical consumer, there are other ways you can protect yourself from consumer fraud. Enlisting the help of a private investigator or a similar inquisitive entity can help you protect yourself from scams like those mentioned above and resolving these frauds after they are perpetrated. A private investigator’s job is to serve the specific needs of their client, diligently capturing the entire picture of how severely the consumer might have been affected by a particular fraud. Of course, they can be a perfect tool for exposing the agencies that claim to want your money and knowing exactly where the money is going. Local authorities are often overwhelmed by crime statistics that force them to practice triage when dealing with different types of cases. Private investigators have an invaluable list of tools at their disposal, which they can often use without the restraints legislation places on law enforcement. Whether you’re outsourcing to a third party or taking your personal consumer protection into your own hands, never let your guard down when it comes to the man with the magic beans.

Intelligence in Business (OSINT)

Intelligence in Business (OSINT)

By: Kym Pasqualini, Feature Crime Writer for Lauth Investigations

Open-source intelligence (OSINT) is the collection of data from publicly available sources to be used in the context of intelligence. Within the intelligence world, the term “open” refers to overt, meaning sources available publicly, opposed to clandestine or covert sources.

OSINT is not a new concept. It has been in use for decades. However, with the arrival of instant communication and fast information transmission, a significant amount of predictive and actionable intelligence can now be obtained from unclassified public sources.

OSINT should not be confused with public intelligence or open-source software.

The U.S. Director of National Intelligence and the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) define OSINT as information produced from publicly available information collected, exploited, and disseminated in a timely manner to an appropriate audience for the purpose of addressing a specific intelligence requirement.

In short, open source acquisition involves procuring written, verbal or electronically transmitted material that can be obtained legally without any type of clandestine collection techniques.

Background of OSINT

OSINT’s originates with the pre-Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The formation of the 1941 Foreign Broadcast Monitoring Service (FBMS) was born during World War II and evolved into the 1967 Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service (FBIS), the predecessor of the Open Source Center of today.

Acquired by the CIA in 1947, FBIS emerged as the only recognized service organization trained and equipped to monitor and process foreign broadcasts for the benefit of all government agencies needing the service.

Coverage worldwide, to the extent it exists today, was beyond the dreams of those who lived in that era.

In 2005, following the 9/11 attacks, the Director of National Intelligence Agency, Porter J. Goss, announced the creation of the DNI Open Source Center. The Center is designed to collect information available from databases, radio, television, video, geospatial data, photographs and commercial imagery.

OSINT Information Flow Categories

  • Media to include newspapers, obituaries, magazines, television, and radio worldwide.
  • Internet includes, but not limited to, online publications, discussion groups, blogs, citizen video (user created content and video), Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other social media websites.
  • Commercial Data includes commercial imagery, industrial and financial assessments and databases.
  • Grey Literature: patents, working papers, business and corporate documents, newsletters, technical papers, and unpublished works.
  • Professional and Academic publications obtained through journals, symposia, academic papers, journals, theses, and dissertations.
  • Public Government Data: telephone directories, press conferences, websites, speeches, budgets, hearings and other public government reports.

There are various disciplines of OSINT and the methods and applications are almost endless.


Ten years ago, open source information was scarce; however, in recent years OSINT has taken on an entirely new meaning.

Back in the day, people were primarily found by searching a phone book. Today, people are increasingly comfortable with sharing their personal information and a treasure trove of information for those who want it.

social network flowchart


According to Statistica, it is estimated there will be 2.77 billion social network users around the globe in 2019. Social media has become an excellent and consistent source of information.

While, decades ago the problem was shortage of open source information, the biggest difficulty now, is filtering through an overabundance of information.

Some examples of OSINT resources are:

  • Internet directories containing personal information, residences, relatives, demographics, employment, contact information.
  • Social networking sites provide personal information, friends, family members, interests, photographs, videos, and activities.
  • Online reviews provide interests, purchases, activities and lifestyle.
  • User contributed information could be a blog, hobbies, opinions, and expertise.
  • Academic sites provide information related to education, business conferences, associations, and academic papers.
  • Company websites have personnel listings, backgrounds, location, duties, services, and contact information.
  • News sources provide topical information, reports, events, personal history, obituaries, and contact information.
  • Government sources provide personal information, criminal background, court activity, minutes, locations, demographics, tax records and other financial data.

Social Media Monitoring and Geofencing

Companies like Echosec, based in Victoria B.C., offers a web platform to draw what is called a “Geofence” allowing users to pinpoint a location of interest on a map and obtain information within selected parameters, then filter searches by keyword, hashtag, or username within the geofence.


Echosec’s real-time social media mapping connects virtual communities to real-world locations and gives new meaning to Geographic Information System Mapping (GIS). A powerful research tool combining GIS and OSINT.


This is becoming a popular method of analysis for retail, branding, journalism, private investigation, and finance, collecting what Echosec calls “hyperlocal insights” for better business and breaking news stories.

Google, Yahoo, Bing and other traditional link-crawling search engines do not typically access the information professionals using OSINT research techniques and resources can provide.

Embracing Geolocation

Geolocation is one of the most valuable resources used today. For example, videos and photographs shared publicly often contain information where the photographs originated.


Most of us post pictures of ourselves and our friends, tagging each other during a vacation at the beach or out on the town. A geotagged picture is a post that attaches a “geotag” which is the physical location to the post. It allows users insight to their followers, where they are, and what they are doing.

Social media and Geo-location monitoring of open-source information has been more frequently used by law enforcement and private investigators to conduct investigations. Whether a missing person investigation or background check, basic and even critical investigations can benefit from OSINT.

For example, a person is reported missing and frequently posts photographs on Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook. Investigators can access the geotags and see where the person was last and often see who they were with, allowing the investigating agency the ability to immediately expand their investigation.

Open Source Private Investigations

Many private investigators are now specializing in open-source intelligence and social media investigations, referred to as Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT). While much of the information is available publicly, there are many reasons why an individual would choose to hire a private investigator.

Private investigators have become experts in the field of open-source intelligence investigations.

Private investigators have become experts in the field of open-source intelligence investigations.

Simply, private investigators know how to search, where to search and what to search for, making hiring a private investigator a more efficient choice. Private investigators know if the information is online, in a state repository, library or the courthouse.

Information that can be obtained includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Voter registration
  • Bankruptcy records
  • Corporate records
  • Property records
  • Probate records
  • Divorce records
  • Marriage records
  • Court records
  • Criminal records
  • Due diligence
  • Business information
  • Financial information

Whether a private individual or a business, obtaining the right information often leads the investigation in a specific direction. Private investigators of today are the next-generation of private intelligence providing services such as:

  • Fraud Investigations
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • Counterintelligence
  • Intelligence Collection
  • Internet Investigations
  • Email Tracing
  • IP Investigations
  • Financial Investigations
  • Asset Investigations
  • Pre-investment Investigations
  • Difficult to locate
  • Missing Persons
  • Background Investigations

Knowing when to use a private investigation firm can help hasten an investigation. The service of these firms can make life easier because it requires more than just knowing how to use the Internet. And when all resources are exhausted, a good old “gum shoe” detective can investigate – boots on the ground.

Protecting Your Business with OSINT

Thomas Lauth of Lauth Investigations International uses his nearly 20 years experience working with both private and business sectors. “Open-souce Intelligence or OSINT isn’t a common term used in the business world; however, I can assure you it is a dynamic method of information gathering for businesses in this day and age,” said Lauth.

(Open-source intelligence is being used more frequently to protect company’s information.)

The importance of OSINT is business can’t be exaggerated. It is a matter of gathering intelligence from publicly available sources and analyzing that information for connections and actionable intelligence that would not be normally publicized. In fact, there may be information about your own company available publicly that can make it easier for someone who is considered an “insider threat” or conducting a social engineering campaign to obtain proprietary or damaging information.

“Conducting periodic OSINT for your business, assessing the risks, and addressing vulnerabilities can save a company from failure,” add Lauth. “It is a recommended and necessary action item for all successful businesses.”

OSINT is contained in company websites, reviews, Google searches, along with newspapers, geo-location data within images, company reports and other publicly available data. Often overlooked is social media. Companies and employees often provide more information to hackers or “insider threats” than realized.

Criminals can exploit easily obtained information to conduct scams or a social engineering campaign against a business. In fact, criminals use OSINT too – only for their own devious purposes.

To exploit weak links, criminals or “black hats” can spend weeks, even months researching employee email addresses, current projects, employees that manage money and monitor their social media. They will even study the way employees communicate with each other, gathering the information to create convincing phishing scams and social engineering attacks.

The information collected to conduct these criminal activities is not obtained by hacking into the company, it is obtained by gathering publicly available information.

“The trick is to stay one step ahead of the criminals,” said Lauth. “When working with clients, we ensure we identify vulnerabilities and the process is conducted effectively, efficiently and confidentially.”

The bottom line, by exercising due diligence, using OSINT, and reviewing your own publicly available information, you can protect yourself and your company.


Mysterious Disappearance of Rita Gutierrez-Garcia

Mysterious Disappearance of Rita Gutierrez-Garcia


Rita Gutierrez-Garcia

By: Kym Pasqualini, Feature Crime Writer for Lauth Investigations

Rita Gutierrez-Garcia missing since March 17, 2018 from Longmont, Colorado.

Rita Gutierrez-Garcia missing since March 17, 2018 from Longmont, Colorado.

It was St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, 2018, a mother of three boys vanished into thin air in Longmont, Colorado. Rita Gutierrez-Garcia went out to celebrate with friends and family in the evening.

The group went bar hopping to the Speakeasy located at 301 West Main Street and the Breaker’s Grill located at 380 Main Street. Rita was last seen in an alley behind 3’s bar talking on her phone at approximately 2:30 a.m.

Deputy Chief Jeff Satur of Longmont Police Department said Rita was overheard telling someone on the phone she would get a ride from “someone else.” Authorities also say there were as many as seven or eight potential witnesses behind the bar that evening.

“Our old standby of tracking the phone is not working for us,” said Satur. “But we are working our very hardest to find Rita.”

Rita is a mother of three young boys, ages 9, 13, and 18, and described by family as a bubbly and busy mom, who is just one college semester away from becoming a paralegal. Something she has worked very hard for.

Satur told Fox 31, “As you can imagine, everybody is concerned,” he said. “This is unusual behavior.”

Police have asked for anyone who may have seen Rita that evening, to call them immediately.

Connection to Beating Victim Dismissed

Longmont Police Department was investigating the possible connection between a young man found with head trauma and the disappearance of Rita. Tyler Bullock was found at the same location eight days after Rita disappeared, at approximately 2:30 a.m.

Tyler Bullock was found unconscious five days after Rita Gutierrez-Garcia’s disappearance in the same area she was last seen.

Tyler Bullock was found unconscious five days after Rita Gutierrez-Garcia’s disappearance in the same area.

According to Tyler’s sister Kristal Beecher, Tyler was in the intensive care unit for head trauma due to bleeding on his brain. Tyler was found behind the bar unresponsive due to serious head injuries. He is now recovering.

“There is zero connection. I just need to stress there are no suspects in my case. It’s really just a matter of the specific block in Longmont needing better security systems, more cops on busy nights, and cameras, maybe undercovers,” said Tyler, still recovering from the traumatic experience.

The Search

On March 24, 2018, Longmont Police divers searched a pond at Golden Ponds Parks southwest of Hover Street and Third Avenue but did not find anything. Golden Ponds is a network of ponds and walking paths. Police, Longmont Emergency Unit, and Longmont Fire Department searched from approximately 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Canines were also used in the search.

Police divers searching area of Golden Ponds in Longmont, Colorado. Courtesy of Daily Camera.

Police divers searching area of Golden Ponds in Longmont, Colorado. Courtesy of Daily Camera.

Deputy Chief Satur declined to answer what they were searching for. “We were looking for evidence,” Satur said. “That’s all I can say.”

Police are treating the disappearance as a missing person case and “suspicious disappearance.”

“We will continue to work all leads and go from there,” Satur said. “We are going to continue working until we figure out what happened.”

Police have been working long hours in the search for Rita, and rotating staff to ensure fresh eyes are involved in the investigation.

Mom and Sister Plead for Help at Press Conference

Prior to Rita’s disappearance, she was very active on Snapchat but has not posted since her disappearance. This worries her family.

Diane Romero and Jessica Romero please for the public’s help in the search for Rita Gutierrez-Garcia.

Diane Romero and Jessica Romero please for the public’s help in the search for Rita Gutierrez-Garcia.

“I love you,” said Rita’s mother Diane Romero at a press conference organized by Longmont Police Department on March 22, 2018. Holding a picture of her daughter, “I need you here,” she said.

Rita’s sister Jessica Romero tearfully told reporters, “She’s my older sister and I’ve never had to go a day without her in my entire life,” said Romero.

Family and Friends Hold Vigil

Family and friends of Rita held a prayer vigil on March 25th at Longmont’s Thompson Park. There, they offered comfort to each other and covered a tree with ribbons of different colors and cards with prayers for her safe return.

Jessica Romero

“I know they are doing all they can do to help us,” Romero said about police investigators. “They are doing a lot to bring Rita home.”

Rita’s sister Jessica said, “I’m trying not to break down.” Rita’s three sons are staying with her and she is trying to be strong for them. “It’s been nerve-wracking just trying to remember to breathe.”

Pastor Choutka, the pastor at the Rocky Mountain Christian Church’s Niwot campus, asked people attending the vigil to gather around the family, asking God to give Rita’s mother strength and help the investigators.

“By the powerful name of Jesus, we do ask for a miracle, that she be found safe and sound,” Choutka said to those who gathered at the park to pray.

Rumors and speculation of what happened to Rita have circulated and the family is trying to protect the young boys and cousins. “We are trying to keep them strong,” Diane Romero said.

Rita was last seen wearing a black long-sleeved shirt with black leggings. She has tattoos on both arms, as well as on her shoulder and on her feet.

Sleeve tattoo with eye and wave design on Rita Gutierrez-Garcia’s arm.

Sleeve tattoo with eye and wave design on Rita Gutierrez-Garcia’s arm.

Anyone with information about the disappearance of Rita Gutierrez-Garcia should contact the Longmont Police Department 303-651-8501.




National Park

Millions of people are visiting our beautiful national parks each year. They travel from one side of the continent to the other to see the breathtaking tall Sequoia trees on the west coast to the pristine beaches of South Carolina on the east coast.

Attendance numbers at national parks have set record highs in the last few years. According to Los Angeles Times, Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Sequoia and Yosemite national parks reported setting attendance records during 2016, with all parks reporting a 330.97 million people visiting our recreational parks – and hundreds, maybe thousands, of those people are now missing.

Shoshone National Forest: Amy Wroe Bechtel

It was 21-years ago, on the afternoon of July 24, 1997, Amy Wroe Bechtel, 24, began her run outside of Lander, Wyoming, training for the 2000 Olympic Marathon she had hoped to qualify for. She never returned.

Wyoming is called “America’s biggest small town” and Lander is an outdoor enthusiast hub, where climbers gravitate to the unique geological formations in Sinks Canyon within the Shoshone National Forest.

Shoshone National Forest in Wyoming is a climber's paradise.

Shoshone National Forest in Wyoming is a climber’s paradise.

Sinks Canyon is part of a magnificent ecosystem stretching from sagebrush and juniper covered foothills, through conifer forests, aspen meadows to the alpine habitat in mid-central Wyoming.

Amy vanished while running along Loop Road, a route that includes Sinks Canyon Road and runs the Popo Agie River approximately 15 miles south of Lander. Her car was found by her neighbors, Todd Skinner and Amy Whisler, parked at Burnt Gulch where Amy was marking her 10K hill climb she was planning for the fall. When Amy had not returned by evening, her neighbors got into their car and headed for the gravel road of switchbacks ascending to Loop Road. At approximately 1:00 a.m., they find Amy’s white Toyota Tercel wagon parked on the side of the road where Loop Road splits to the pine-shrouded Burnt Gulch turnoff.

The weather during July is mild with days averaging 85 degrees and evenings about 54 degrees. There had been rain in the afternoon. Puddles of water surrounded the vehicle. Todd and Amy look for footprints or tire tracks but see nothing. Only Amy’s sunglasses, her keys in the driver’s seat and a to-do list were found in the car. Her green “Eagle” wallet was missing. Panicked, Todd calls Amy’s husband Steve Bechtel.

The search for Amy began early the following morning with her husband Steve and about a dozen of his friends. By day’s end, dogs, dirt bikes, ATVs, and over 100 volunteers had joined the search. The following day, horses and helicopters began searching the rugged terrain. By the third day, police expanded the search to a 30-mile radius.

As with most missing person cases, or missing wives, police turn toward the husband. In this case, Steve Bechtel. A move that, 20 years later, appears totally unwarranted and limited the search with tunnel vision, the enemy of any investigation.

AmyAmy and Steve both graduated from the University of Wyoming with degrees in exercise physiology. They had been married a little over a year.

Steve was a climber. He and Amy both worked at Wild Iris, the local climbing shop. Amy taught a youth weightlifting class at Wind River Fitness Center and worked part-time at the Sweetwater Grill.

By all appearances, Amy and Steve were the bubbly, happy newlyweds and had just bought their first home in Lander, with a population of 7,000.

Police searched Steve’s journals and acquaintances gave conflicting statements about their relationship. Some described them as idyllic, while others stated Steve was often jealous and belittling.

The FBI would make accusations Steve killed his wife. A claim current detectives disagree.

Steve had an alibi backed up by a fellow climber. At the time, he had been about 75 miles from his home in Lander. He met with his friend Sam Lightner and Bechtel’s yellow lab Jonz and rode north to Cartridge Creek area of Shoshone National Forest to scout for a climbing location.

According to a Runner’s World article, “Long Gone Girl,” Fremont County Sheriff’s cold case detective Sergeant John Zerga disagrees with the way the case was handled in 1997. “Nowadays everything is viewed as a homicide. Back then it wasn’t viewed that way. She was just a missing runner. For three days,” Zerga said. “We didn’t close off any routes out of here,” Zerga continues. “We didn’t close off any vehicles. All we had was a bunch of people up here looking for a missing runner. We actually ruined the investigation with the vehicle because we allowed the Skinners to drive it home. [The investigation] was not good for at least the first three days. There was a lot of stuff lost.”

While all eyes had been on Steve, it wouldn’t be until over a decade later when the brother of Dale Wayne Eaton, 57, would talk to police. He had tried to contact law enforcement earlier but no response.

“I think our detectives who were working the case were so adamant it was Steve, they weren’t looking in other directions.” said Sergeant Zerga. Fifteen years after Amy vanished, Zerga spoke to Eaton’s brother who told him Eaton would often camp in the area Amy had vanished. “Few camped in the area, and few outside of Lander even knew about the area” Zerga added. “If we could prove Dale was in the area, that puts him as the number one lead.”

Eaton had tried to abduct a family pulled over with car trouble. After his arrest for the attempted kidnapping, he escaped and was later found by authorities in the Shoshone National Forest. He was incarcerated and required to submit a DNA sample.

In 1988 Lisa Marie Kimmel vanished on a trip from Colorado to Billings, Montana. Fourteen years later DNA would be linked to Eaton. An autopsy would determine Kimmel had been beaten, bound and raped for at least six days, then taken to the Old Government Bridge where she was hit on the head with a blunt object, stabbed six times in the chest and abdomen, then thrown into the river.

Police searched Eaton’s property about one hour away from where Kimmel was last seen alive. They excavated a spot on the property and unearthed Kimmel’s Honda CRX bearing her license plate “LIL MISS.”

Eaton was sentenced to death on March 20, 2004, for Kimmel’s kidnapping, rape, and murder. As for Amy, Eaton had remained tight-lipped but as with everything, justice has a way of coming around.

Anyone with information should call the Fremont County Sheriff’s Office at 307-332-5611.

Coconino National Forest: David Barclay Miller

The Red Rock-Secret Mountain Wilderness is a collection of buttes, cliff, and canyons known as one of the most magnificent places on the planet. The red rock cliffs of the Mogollon Rim mark the edge of the Colorado Plateau in the Coconino National Forest. Sycamore Canyon Wilderness borders on the east, the high mesas of Secret Mountain and Wilson Mountain jut out into lower canyons as deep as 1,500 feet draining out into Oak Creek and the Verde River.

Sedona Red Rocks is one of the most popular traveler’s destinations in the world.

Sedona Red Rocks is one of the most popular traveler’s destinations in the world.

Red is the predominant hue in the 43,950 acres. It is a 360-degree view of wind and water sculpted pinnacles, arches, windows and slot canyons. It is a place where sound bounces back and forth, almost in a musical chorus.

Trails crisscross the area taking one from the deepest gorges to protuberant panoramas overlooking the beauty. There is rock art on the walls from the area’s early inhabitants, along with abandoned dwellings high in the canyon walls.

The area draws hikers, photographers, backpackers, and horseback riders from around the world to wander among the manzanitas and red rocks.

David MillerAn experienced hiker, David Miller, 22, was last seen at the Beaver Creek Ranger Station preparing to leave on a two-day hike on May 19, 1998, in the Red Rock/Secret Mountain Wilderness area.

At the time of his disappearance, David was employed by the Sedona Forest Service. The weather would have been mild with days reaching 83 degrees and nights about 51 degrees.

David was last seen wearing a T-shirt, black hiking boots, and carrying a forest green Gregory backpack.

It is thought David may have fallen on slippery terrain or became lost. Anyone with information should call Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office at 520-771-3260.

Salmon-Challis National Forest: DeOrr Kunz

It has been nearly two years since 2-year old DeOrr Kunz vanished on July 10, 2015, while on a camping trip at the Timber Creek Campground in the beautiful mountains of Idaho.

DeOrr’s father, Vernal DeOrr Kunz, mother Jessica Mitchell and grandfather Robert Walton, along with Isaac Reinwand, Walton’s friend and fishing buddy, had set up camp in the remote wilderness of the Salmon-Challis National forest.

The Salmon-Challis National Forest contains over 4.3 million acres in east-central Idaho. The Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness area takes up 1.3 million acres, the largest contiguous wilderness area in the Continental United States.

Salmon-Challis National Park is not only breathtaking, it is a rugged and remote area in the state of Idaho.

Salmon-Challis National Park is not only breathtaking, it is a rugged and remote area in the state of Idaho.

The area is remote, rugged and draws those seeking adventure, solitude and breathtaking scenery. The scenic Salmon River area is popular for fishing, hunting, and white-water rafting.

The winter weather in Salmon-Challis can be brutal, but in July averages 85 degrees during the day and 52 overnight.

The day of DeOrr’s disappearance, Kunz and Mitchell said they took their son to the general store for snacks and supplies. Upon their return, they walked down an embankment to scout a place to fish. Within minutes, they found minnows and quickly turned back to get DeOrr so he could see them and found he was not in his chair and was not with his grandfather. There has been about a 7 to 10-minute gap where DeOrr was not supervised. Panicked, they searched the surrounding campsite and could not find the little boy. They called the police.

DeOrr Kunz

DeOrr Kunz

Within three hours, authorities from the Lemhi County Sheriff’s Office quickly responded and began swarming a two-mile radius with search and rescue crews using ATVs to search the landscape and divers scouring the nearby reservoir.

For two-days, approximately two hundred volunteers responded, searching the wilderness for a tiny toddler to no avail.

“At this point, I have kind of accepted I might not see him, I might not bring him home like I want to,” Mitchell said. “Any answers are better than what we have now.”

Two years later, there is little else to go on. In a KTVB interview, Mitchell says she believes her son is still alive but admits she is losing hope.

Impossible to move on without answers, Mitchell and her husband are named suspects in the disappearance of their son by former Lemhi County sheriff, Lynn Bowerman. A common response for law enforcement is to look closely at all family members. They both maintain their innocence. No arrests or charges have ever been filed.

There is no evidence DeOrr was attacked by an animal. Investigators remain baffled.

Mitchell and her family believe someone abducted DeOrr. She has returned to the campground several times to search but to her frustration has not found anything. “Every time I leave there, and there is still nothing, it just goes back to I think someone has him,” Mitchell said.

Trina Clegg, Mitchell’s mother has spearheaded the search for little DeOrr handing out business cards and flyers with age-progression photos of what DeOrr would look like today.

“In my opinion, he could be anywhere,” Clegg said. “We just want you to care about baby DeOrr. We want you at night to say your prayers for baby DeOrr. We want you to wake up in the morning and hope he’s there,” she added.

Anyone with information about DeOrr’s disappearance should contact Lemhi County Sheriff’s Office at 208-756-8980.

Rio Grande National Forest: Joe Keller

Joseph Keller, 19, was an adventurous young man from Cleveland, Tennessee. He was spending his summer with friends Collin Gwaltney and Christian Fetzner exploring the west between his freshman and sophomore years at Cleveland State Community College. They had visited San Francisco, Las Vegas, and the Grand Canyon on their way to Joe’s aunt and uncles dude ranch, The Rainbow Trout Ranch, in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado.

Rated as one of the top fly-fishing ranches in the country, it is based in southwestern Colorado, with private angling along the Conejos River, a tributary to the Rio Grande flowing right through the property.

Rainbow Trout Ranch is nestled in the San Juan Mountains with the Rio Grande running through the property.

Rainbow Trout Ranch is nestled in the San Juan Mountains with the Rio Grande running through the property.

The young men were in for a treat visiting a place that combines the splendor of the Rocky Mountains with the enchantment of New Mexico.

About four hours south of Denver, the Rio Grande National Forest surrounds the ranch with 1.83 million acres and is considered a jewel of Colorado. The Continental Divide runs 236 miles along most of the forest and the tops of the Sangre de Christo Mountains form the eastern border. In between, sits the spectacular San Luis Valley which is a large agricultural alpine valley. This majestic sprawling land is the last place you want to get lost.

Joe was a competitive runner and obstacle course racer. His friend Collin, a varsity cross-country runner. They had been spending time running together during their travels.

Neither was used to the high elevations, the ranch sitting at approximately 9,000 feet.

It was July 23, 2015, they had planned an hourlong run along Forest Road 250 that crosses the ranch into the national forest, following the Conejos River upstream.

Joe CollinsJoe left shirtless, wearing only red running shorts, blue trail shoes, and his Ironman watch. At 4:30 p.m., the friends started out together, but Joe soon fell behind as he was the slower runner.

Collin’s GPS watch shows him turning off Forest Road 250 onto the ranch drive that snakes up behind the lodge. The run became a scramble, so Collin headed back toward the road and upstream. A fly-fisherman spotted Collin about 2.5 miles up the road but never saw Joe. Collin finished his run and began puking due to the high altitude.

Joe never returned.

When Joe didn’t show up for dinner, Collin and Christian drove up the road honking, while ranch hands and guests hiked up the rocks toward a mountain formation called “Faith” towering above the valley. By 9:30 p.m., there were 35 people out searching for Joe.

Sheriff Howard Galvez of the Conejos County Sheriff Department, along with two deputies, arrived about midnight and began assisting the other searchers.

Joe’s parents were notified, leaving their home in Tennessee, along with their 17-year old daughter to travel to the ranch; they were there in less than 24 hours. It was now Joe’s birthday.

Search efforts were upgraded with about 200 people on foot, horseback and ATVs and about 15 canines. The family posted a $10,000 reward for information. Dressed only in shorts, Joe was not prepared for the evenings in the San Juan Mountains, where it is about 62 degrees during the day, down to only 30 degrees at night.

Helicopters and even an infrared-equipped plane was used to search for Joe.

The response to Joe’s disappearance was swift, the resources used in the search for Joe are unmatched by most searches for missing persons, but after a week most volunteers had gone home and after 13 days, the official search stopped. The family left with questions and desperation.

Following is a roller-coaster of emotions, anger, and theories.

May 2016, the search resumed with approximately 30 volunteers, drones and 11 dogs from Colorado Forensic Canines. The search was organized by the Jon Francis Foundation, a Minnesota nonprofit specializing in wilderness search and support. Still no sign of Joe.

An Outside Online article, “How 1,600 People Went Missing from Our Public Lands Without a Trace,” talked to Neal Keller, Joe’s father. “For a lost person, the response is limited to five days on average. There needs to be a plan for applying resources for a little bit longer.”

The Keller family hired two private investigators whose efforts were fruitless.

Nearly a year later, Neal Keller was traveling back and forth from Tennessee to Conejos County, searching for his son every minute he could.

On July 6th, John Reinstra, 54, a former offensive lineman for the Pittsburgh Steelers, an endurance runner and search and rescue hobbyist, located Joe’s body in a boulder field below a cliff. His body 1.7 miles northwest of the ranch.

Rio Grande and Rainbow Trout area of Colorado. Courtesy Jon Billman Outside Online.

Rio Grande and Rainbow Trout area of Colorado. Courtesy Jon Billman Outside Online.

Soon after Joe’s disappearance, Gwaltney told Tennessee’s WTVC-TV , “We went running on a forestry road that was pretty well maintained,” he said. “It was gravel and pretty flat, with a few curves. But if you ran off the road, there were pretty steep places.”

Joe is found, and his family now has answers. He is no longer a missing person in a gray area of estimates with limited resources and minimal government attention.

Extensive searches failed to find him 1.7 miles away. The initial search didn’t last long enough.

Government doesn’t keep track of missing on federal land

Experts believe the public would be concerned and alarmed if they knew how many people simply vanish, never to be seen again, while visiting national parks.

According to the FBI National Crime Information Center, there are currently 86,190 active missing person cases in the United States.

The federal government does not track the number of missing persons in national parks, but experts believe about 1,600 individuals mysteriously vanish each year while visiting parks throughout the United States. While many reported missing are found, it is estimated hundreds remain missing.

Many are found, but many are never to be seen again, leaving families suffering the trauma of ambiguous loss – not knowing. Families who have experienced this say knowing your loved one is dead is easier than the “not knowing” what happened.